Esther, A Faithful Hero Who Was Teachable
Esther was a young Jewish maiden raised by her elder cousin Mordecai in the Persian Empire, where the Jewish people had been taken captive after their Land was conquered. Through a series of events, Esther saved the Jewish population from annihilation, and her teachable spirit played a big part in God using her. Esther proved herself to be a woman who sought wisdom and considered the counsel of others. Esther’s teachableness emerges as we revisit the account of her journey.
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In the 5th century, Xerxes, king of the Persian Empire, searched for a new queen by conscripting beautiful young maidens throughout his vast empire. When Esther was taken to the palace, Mordecai advised her to hide her Jewish identity. Esther heeded her guardian’s counsel, which became a pivotal influence in later events.
After being taken to the palace, each maiden underwent a year of beautification before her one night with the king. When it was Esther’s night, she listened to the advice of her overseer and took with her only what he recommended (see Esther chapter 2). From among likely thousands of young women, the king chose Esther as his queen.
“How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver.”
— Proverbs 16:16
Later in the story, after Esther had been made queen, Mordecai learned that Haman, a high-ranking officer in the king’s government, had obtained authority to set in motion the murder of all the Jewish people throughout the kingdom. Through messengers, Mordecai conveyed the danger to Queen Esther, who still had not revealed her Jewish heritage. Mordecai asked Esther to use her status to somehow prevent the destruction of her people.
Esther knew the consequence of going to the king uninvited was death unless he made an exception. So, again, she sought wisdom outside herself. Esther went to the Lord for direction in this life-or-death situation. After praying, she instructed Mordecai to have the Jewish people fast for her for three days and nights. She and her attendants did the same (see Esther chapter 4).
At the end of the three days, Esther went to the king’s court with a plan. Xerxes welcomed her presence, and over the next two days, Esther prepared the king’s heart with banquets. After the second feast, she presented her request and finally revealed her Jewish identity, imploring the king to spare her and her people from Haman’s decree. The king had Haman hanged and declared another decree allowing the Jewish people to defend themselves on the day appointed for their massacre. Thus, through Esther, the Lord delivered the Jewish people from destruction.
Throughout her life, Esther proved herself to be humble and teachable. She heeded Mordecai’s instruction to hide her Jewish origin. She followed the advice of her overseer, who knew far better than her in that situation. And she sought the Lord, who knows all things, for His will and guidance. Esther’s eagerness to seek wisdom and weigh the counsel of others paved the way for God to use her in saving the Jewish people from destruction.
You may not be in an extraordinary role of influence as Esther was, but God wants to use you in your own set of circumstances and life positions. Esther shows us that humility, pursuing wisdom from the Lord, and accepting godly counsel prepare us for His use. As you remain teachable and pliable in the Lord’s hands, He can use you in the lives of those around you. And, who knows in what extraordinary and profound ways that may be!
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
— Proverbs 1:7
Esther confronted the literal Haman, and today, “Haman” comes in many forms, from anti-Semitism to the spirit of unbelief that deters Jewish people from accepting Jesus as their Messiah. You can play a vital role in opening Jewish hearts to the Gospel. When you give to Jewish Voice, you “confront Haman” and become a faithful hero by revealing Jesus’ love, meeting practical needs, and sharing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus).
