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10 Ways to Pray for Israel Today ‒ Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

October 01, 2018
Ways to Pray

Why Pray for Israel today?

Among Israel’s most prominent supporters are Evangelical Believers. Still, much of the Church remains indifferent or even opposed to Israel today, unaware of important biblical truths about God’s chosen people and their own relationship to them.

A vital part of the mission of Jewish Voice Ministries International is to educate the Church about God’s ongoing covenant with and plan for Israel. New Covenant faith in Yeshua (Jesus) is rooted in the Jewish faith of the Old Covenant Scriptures. Upon this foundation, God sent Yeshua to usher in the promise of Jeremiah 31:31-33. He declared that one day He would write His law upon the hearts of His people and put His Spirit within them. This prophecy was fulfilled through Yeshua the Messiah and the gift of the Holy Spirit given to all who place their faith in Him.

Scripture reveals ample reasons for Believers to pray for and support Israel today:

  • God will bless those who bless Abraham’s descendants and curse those who curse them (Genesis 12:2)

  • God instructs us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)

  • God’s covenant with Israel is everlasting (Genesis 17:7, 19)

  • The Land of Israel belongs to God (Leviticus 25:23, Joel 2:18)

  • God gave His people the Land of Israel as an eternal possession (Genesis 15, 17:7‒8, Genesis 48:4, Psalm 105:7‒11)

  • God’s judgments on Israel at various times of her history do not void His covenant (Ezekiel 37).

  • God has not rejected Israel (Romans 9‒11)

  • There is only one way for anyone, including Jewish people, to be reconciled to God (John 14:6)

  • The Gospel is for the Jewish people first (Romans 1:16)

In 1948, the United Nations may have granted Israel the right to “be,” but it is God who validates her existence. He chose the Jewish people for His own, for His purposes and for eternity.

The country Israel today represents only a portion of the Land God gave the Jewish people as an eternal inheritance. About the size of New Jersey, it’s sometimes difficult to even locate Israel on maps. She is a tiny nation in a hostile neighborhood of Arab countries who consider her mere existence an offense. The region swarms with people, terrorist groups and nations single-mindedly committed to eliminating Israel today.

Israel needs our prayers.

About the Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

The Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) has become the largest Israel-focused prayer event in history. At least 175 nations and 500 million Believers participate. The event began in 2002 and now has the active support of more than 1,400 evangelical leaders. It takes place annually on the first Sunday in October.

According to the DPPJ website, it is a day set aside each year “to raise global awareness and intercession for God’s purpose in Israel.”

“Though we pray every day for Israel,” the organization explains, “we seek on this day to unite Believers around the world in raising a cry to Heaven on behalf of this troubled but strategic Land and its people.”

The 2018 Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem is Sunday, October 7. Join people all over the world in praying for peace in Jerusalem, for Israel today as a nation and Jewish people everywhere.

For more information about the Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and how you can encourage your congregation to participate, visit

10 Ways to Pray for Israel

Below are 10 specific ways you can pray for Israel today. For a complete list of suggested prayer topics, explore the resources available on the DPPJ website.

1. Restoration and Reconciliation – Pray for:

  • Jewish people in Israel and throughout the world to be restored and reconciled to God through faith in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah

  • God to continue restoring the Land of Israel and that the nation will recognize that this is from His hand, not their own efforts

  • Reconciliation between Jewish and Christian people, Jewish and Arab people – in the Land of Israel and all over the world

2. Watchmen - – Pray for:

  • God to raise up “watchmen” in each nation of the world who are dedicated to praying for Israel and the Jewish people

  • Houses of prayer worldwide to develop a heart to pray for Israel and the Jewish people

  • Growth in strategic prayer for Israel today around the world

3. Peace and Protection – Pray for:

  • Guidance and wisdom for Israeli and world leaders pursuing peace for Israel

  • Protection from the plans of Israel’s natural and spiritual enemies

  • All involved would recognize that true peace will only come from God

4. Fighting Terror, Radical Islam and Jihad – Pray for:

  • All terror plots to be exposed and stopped

  • The terror groups themselves to disintegrate from within and people trapped in them to encounter the true and living God who loves them

  • Guidance for Israeli police, military and security forces in their efforts to stop the violence

  • Emotional, psychological and physical healing for victims of terrorism

5. Fair and Honest Media Coverage – Pray for:

  • Clarity for the media to report fully and accurately about Israel today and the Middle East conflict

  • Exposure of imbalanced reporting, and coverage of the true Palestinian refugee story and misconceptions about “Palestine”

6. Fighting Anti-Semitism – Pray for:

  • Exposure of anti-Semitism whenever and wherever it occurs and that it would no longer be tolerated or minimized

  • Believers throughout the world to speak up against anti-Semitism and to defend the Jewish people

  • Increased growth and engagement in pro-Israel prayer initiatives on college campuses

7. Israel’s Leaders – Pray for:

  • Wisdom and integrity for all of Israel’s leaders including Prime Minister Netanyahu, members of the Knesset (ruling body) and Israeli Defense Forces

  • God’s guidance on how to specifically address relations and situations arising with the Palestinians, neighboring Arab nations, Iran and other countries with radical Islamic ideology

8. Israel’s Children and Youth – Pray for:

  • Strengthening of families in Israel today to guard children against the world’s temptations

  • Young people in Israel – both male and female – to turn to God as they prepare for their mandatory military service, cope with terror incidents, and heal from loss

9. The Needy, Forgotten and Vulnerable in Israel – Pray for:

  • Care and healing for the broken, vulnerable or needy in Israel – including elderly Holocaust survivors, struggling immigrants and the homeless

  • Aid, sustenance and wholeness for the forgotten, overlooked, discarded or misjudged

10. Strong Alliance between America and Israel – Pray for:

  • Continuing support of U.S. leaders to courageously stand as allies with Israel and speak out to protect Israel’s rights

  • Increased support for Israel among members of Congress and the general public

Get the Israel Prayer Guide

Do you want to know how to pray for Israel in greater detail and depth? Jewish Voice Ministries has put together this Intercessory Prayer Guide for Israel that provides focused, targeted requests to help you pray for the nation of God’s People. We hope this prayer guide can help both Messianic Jews and Christians pray their support for Israel.

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