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19 Hamas Fighters Killed, 13 Captured by Israel

July 18, 2014

Israel launched a major ground offensive on Hamas in Gaza, “The Times of Israel” reports, with the initial focus centered on the under-border tunnels. The move was unanimously approved by the Israeli security cabinet, and the offensive will be expanded as needed, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Mideast Israel Palestinians

Unlike the great “Iron Dome,” Israel’s technology has yet to credibly counter the underground tunnel network. But it is only one part of the ground mission launched last night. The other aspect is to thin out Hamas’s ranks, deplete the rocket stores, and squeeze the Islamist organization so that reasonable demands can be discussed in an effort to bring peace to the troubled region.

Boots and armor on the ground will also allow Israel to reach some of the rockets and launchers that were not targetable from the air, as well as to gather intelligence.

Hamas, the sovereign terror organization in Gaza, continues to vow that Israel will pay dearly for sending in its troops and is rejecting ceasefire proposals. At least 19 Hamas fighters were killed this morning, and 13 Hamas men were captured. The IDF’s first casualty of the incursion is 20-year-old soldier, Eitan Barak, from Herzliya. Five other IDF soldiers sustained non-life-threatening injuries. Services for Barak will be held on Sunday. Please join us in prayer for the heartbroken and grieving family of Eitan Barak.

We also covet your prayers for the additional 18,000 reserve troops who have been called up on the eve of this Sabbath to fight Israel’s enemies. As Tikkun News has reported, “There will be no Sabbath Peace in the land of Israel tonight.”

Please pray:ME conflict day 11 photo 2

  • That the breath of God will blow with increasing intensity across the God-ordained Land of His Chosen People, bringing light and life to those fighting on these battlefields
  • That the Jewish People come to recognize Yeshua Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah during these desperate hours of fighting to save their nation
  • For spiritual leaders to come alive with passion for the God of Israel and His Son, Yeshua
  • For a movement to emerge from this conflict toward the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that transforms lives for eternity
  • For demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit to infiltrate hearts and minds
  • As always, for the peace of Jerusalem

suncatcherYour financial contribution today will help support Israel-based ministries that serve the people of Israel in this great time of stress and need. Together we can stand for Israel and bring the love of Yeshua to God’s People there. Would you please consider a generous donation today?

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Times of Israel, Times of Israel, Tikkun Ministries International






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