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2015: Thank You For An Incredible Year

December 22, 2015

Another year is coming to a close, and as we look back on 2015, we remember the wonderful things God has accomplished through your partnership with Jewish Voice Ministries.

Together we “answered the call” and travelled the world with Yeshua’s (Jesus’) love and care bringing physical healing and spiritual transformation. Together we brought health, restored eyesight, provided clean water, and watched first-hand the miraculous, healing touch of Yeshua (Jesus) work when modern medicine could not.

Because of your generous support, we encouraged and uplifted the weary, helped thousands of people come to know Yeshua as their Messiah, and continued investing in the training and raising up of indigenous congregational leaders that have arisen from Jewish Voice outreaches over the years. Thank you for answering the call and being a part of changing so many lives this past year.

2015 was a powerful year. There was so much you helped make possible. Most importantly, because of you, we saw 6,515 people receive Yeshua as Messiah! Here are a few highlights from our outreaches in 2015:

In Woliso, Ethiopia, in addition to treating 9,621 patients, 1,212 people came to faith in Yeshua. We also visited a Gefat village and distributed individual LifeStraws® and Family LifeStraws®. At the clinic, some local health officials stopped by to present us with a certificate of appreciation for the years of aid we have brought to the people of Woliso and Ethiopia.

In Mberengwa, Zimbabwe, you came alongside us to treat over 7,600 patients, some of whom came to us by ox-drawn cart or riding in a wheelbarrow pushed by a family member. We met a father who brought his badly dehydrated baby girl to us, and we provided lifesaving intravenous fluids to the precious little one and watched her recovery right before our eyes! We also welcomed 641 new Believers into the family of Messiah.

In Gutu, Zimbabwe, you helped us break an all-time Jewish Voice outreach record. We treated more patients than ever before in a single clinic day – 2,518! That record was short-lived, however, as the following day we treated 2,701 people! In Gutu, 2,156 people placed their faith in Yeshua. We also saw a young girl enter the prayer tent deaf, sad, and disengaged from life. After prayer, she left healed, hearing, and elated!

In 2015, we expanded our weekly television program to a daily format providing more in-depth teachings and interviews with fascinating guests. The message of Yeshua is able to reach into more homes than ever before through Jewish Voice Ministries.

In Israel, you helped us provide 1,425 pairs of eyeglasses to struggling Holocaust survivors. Eyeglasses are extremely expensive in Israel, forcing many of these people to simply go without seeing clearly. After all they have endured, it is pure joy for us to improve their quality of life with clear vision. One precious woman was so happy and grateful that she broke out into song right in the temporary distribution center!

In Odessa, Ukraine, you were a part of sharing the Good News of Yeshua with 15,600 war-weary people who came for the uplifting performances of our Hear O’ Israel Festival of Jewish Music & Dance. Over 2,250 Jewish People requested to be contacted for more information about Yeshua, as did thousands of Gentiles. Local Messianic and evangelical congregations are following up with each person to begin relationships and provide discipleship.

In Gondar, Ethiopia we met a young man in terrible need of eyeglasses. His vision was so poor that he needed an especially powerful prescription that would cost him several weeks’ wages. We were able to provide them for him at no cost, and he was so grateful. In Gondar, 2,508 people received Yeshua as Messiah. We also reached another milestone and broke another record. We saw the most patients ever in a clinic, treating an astonishing 13,018 patients in just five days! You were a part of that!

You were a part of all of the transformation we saw in 2015!

View More: our four medical clinics in 2015, you helped us treat a total of 42,029 patients. Together we distributed 8,547 pairs of eyeglasses. We also gave 11,449 individual LifeStraws® that provide a person with clean water for almost four years; plus we gave 48 Family LifeStraw® units that will provide three to five years of safe drinking water to families. We also performed 321 eye surgeries giving the gift of restored sight. Even more importantly, you helped us welcome 6,515 new brothers and sisters into new faith in Yeshua.

None of this was possible without you! With your help, we had a record year of ministry to the people of Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ukraine, and Israel. Together, we answered the call and truly made transformation possible for tens of thousands of individual lives. We are so grateful for your partnership!

Thank you for your compassion and for joining us in bringing healing and hope this past year. As you have so faithfully blessed His People in 2015, we pray God’s blessings on you and yours in 2016.

As a special thank you, we created a video report and infographic to see what you helped accomplish in 2015. Watch the video below:


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