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An Amazing Difference a Day Makes

July 27, 2016

The Gutu outreach team arrived safely in country and are, just this Tuesday evening (for us), beginning their third full clinic day on Wednesday. Internet reception has prevented us from receiving many updates, but here’s a little news from the field.

Saturday, July 23, 2016 – Pre-Clinic (Day 0)


After long hours of travel, the team arrived in Zimbabwe and rested overnight before they head out for the five-hour drive to the Gutu campsite. Bob wrote:

“We are now refreshed, and on our way to the campsite.   It's amazing the difference a day makes, also a little sleep.  We will be traveling for 5 hours to the campsite and I can feel the excitement of being in Zimbabwe again.  I am looking forward to meeting the team that is already there, renewing old friendships, and forging new ones.  I usually say this on every trip: we come together as strangers and leave as brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua. I pray everyone praying for us is as blessed as we are here.”



Sunday, July 24, 2016 -  Clinic Day 1


No photos got through for Sunday’s report, but we did hear good news that:

“We are setting up the clinic now and everything seems to be going smoothly.  The lines this morning are starting to fill up, and it's a beautiful day.  The weather is clear and hot in the sun during the day, but it is a little chilly at night.  This morning when I woke, it was 52.5 degrees, but it warmed up quickly. It is now hot at 10:47 and I think it will get hotter. Also I say “hot,” but from what I have been told about Phoenix at night lately, I think it is cooler here in the day! “

Later that day, he said that set-up and the first day went more smoothly than any Gutu outreach he’d seen so far, and that many people stood in line and were treated today.


Monday, July 25, 2016 – Clinic Day 2


Shalom and good evening from Gutu Zimbabwe. Today has been a blessed day at the clinic and I wanted to send this picture of Karen from JVMI’s Partner Relations with some school kids that were treated. They had eaten some poisonous berries and their teacher brought them for treatment. They will all be okay, as you can see by the smiles.

We had some immersions today, including a husband and wife who newly professed their faith in Yeshua. God is doing great things in this clinic, in both the medical rooms and the prayer room!

Thank you for all prayers, and all praise to our Lord Jesus who has blessed us to be His hands and feet.


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