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A Battle Prayer for Relief and Rescue

May 16, 2014

Feeling weary and overwhelmed by the press of the enemy and the hard things of life? 

David understood, and gave us this heartfelt prayer, full of honesty about himself, and truth about his hope in God.  Let this Psalm give voice to your prayers when you are too weary for words: 


Lord, hear my prayer, DSC_0070     listen to my cry for mercy;  in Your faithfulness and righteousness      come to my relief.  2 Do not bring Your servant into judgment,      for no one living is righteous before You.  3 The enemy pursues me,      he crushes me to the ground;  he makes me dwell in the darkness      like those long dead.  4 So my spirit grows faint within me;      my heart within me is dismayed.  5 I remember the days of long ago;      I meditate on all Your works      and consider what Your hands have done.  6 I spread out my hands to You;      I thirst for You like a parched land.


7 Answer me quickly, Lord;      my spirit fails.  Do not hide Your face from me      or I will be like those who go down to the pit.  8 Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love,      for I have put my trust in You.  Show me the way I should go,      for to You I entrust my life.  9 Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,      for I hide myself in You.  10 Teach me to do Your will,      for You are my God;  may Your good Spirit      lead me on level ground. 


11 For Your name’s sake, Lord, preserve my life;      in Your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.  12 In Your unfailing love, silence my enemies;      destroy all my foes,      for I am Your servant. 


                                                                              PSALM 143



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