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Being Known: Celebrating God’s Presence at Sukkot, Day 1

October 03, 2017
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But for me, it is good to be near God.” (Psalm 73:28a TLV).

At Sukkot, we celebrate not only God’s presence with the Israelites in the wilderness, but also his presence with us today as His Holy Spirit dwells in all who have professed faith in Messiah Yeshua.

We all want to be known – truly known and understood. No one knows us like God. He knows the good and the bad about us, and He understands the hurts and struggles that trip us up. God knows our frailty. “For He knows our frame. He remembers that we are but dust” (Psalm 103:14).

For some, being fully known can be a bit uncomfortable. After all, each of our lives contains a mix of faith and sin, beauty and ugliness. However, the Bible assures us that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Messiah Yeshua” and that nothing can change God’s love for us (Romans 8:1, 37-39). So, being completely known by God offers us a comfort and calm that we can find nowhere else.

God is with you always. Today, may you find rest in being fully known by Him.

Adonai, You searched me and know me. Whenever I sit down or stand up, You know it. You discern my thinking from afar. You observe my journeying and my resting and You are familiar with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, Adonai, You know all about it” (Psalm 139:1-4 TLV).


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