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A Call to Prayer: END Coronavirus this Passover

April 06, 2020

We want to invite you to join us, Wednesday April 8th at sundown in a specific time of prayer that the Lord would end COVID-19, the coronavirus, during this Holy Season.

Watch the short video invitation and plan to pray the prayer included in this message with us this Wednesday at sundown. May the Lord protect and deliver His people, Jew & Gentile alike, and the nations of the Earth from this disease at this time!

Download, save, or print your prayer guide for our special time of prayer on Wednesday, April 8th at sundown. Let's join together to ask the Lord to end COVID-19 during this Holy Season.

Let's pray:

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

We remember this Passover the deliverance of Your people Israel from the house of bondage with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. With the blood of the lamb applied to the doorposts of their houses, You delivered the Children of Israel from the plague of death. The deliverance of Israel demonstrated Your power and Your glory to the nations throughout the generations.

Tonight, we remember Your deliverance and appeal to Your might in our days and at this moment.

We acknowledge our wicked ways before You. We turn from them, and humbly repent. We plead the blood of Jesus (Yeshua), our Passover Lamb, over our sins and the sins of our nation. We beseech you, Lord, forgive us please, for You are ever ready to forgive those who put their trust in You.

With full confidence in Your goodness and Your almighty power, we, Your people, plead the blood of Jesus (Yeshua), the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world, over our families, our households, our nation, and all the nations – Spare us please! Deliver us please! Heal us please!

This Passover we ask that You stretch out Your mighty hand, in the Name of Your Son, to deliver us from and end the plague of Coronavirus that Your healing be made known among all nations.

We ask this that Your Name be glorified and be made known in the world which you have created.


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