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Crisis in Israel

December 01, 2015

Two weeks ago we alerted readers to look for rising tensions surrounding Jewish access to the Temple Mount and to expect increasingly violent action on the part of Palestinian militants.Sadly that has proven to be the case. Last Wednesday an assassination attempt was made on the life of prominent Israeli activist, Rabbi Yehuda Glick. Glick has a long history of advocating for Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount. Glick is the spokesman for a group called the Joint Committee of Temple Organizations and he was in serious condition after being shot following a conference in Jerusalem Wednesday.The shooting took place at night outside the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, located near the Old City. A motorcyclist drove up and asked if he was Yehuda Glick. When Glick affirmed his identity, the motorcyclist shot him and fled. In an effort to deescalate tensions and ensure security, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu temporarily closed off all access to the Temple Mount/Al- Aqsa Mosque area — a move Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called “an act of war.”Abbas’ rhetoric has grown increasingly militant and harsh in recent months. Indeed the Palestinian leader seems to have decided to abandon all pretense of moderation. This incident is only the latest in an ongoing, organized campaign by Palestinian militants to drive Jewish People off of the Temple Mount once and for all.Amid the Middle East conflict… Of course, students of biblical prophecy and long-time friends of Jewish Voice will not be surprised to see the Temple Mount becoming an increasingly thorny and incendiary issue.In fact, one of our key missions here at Jewish Voice is to keep you apprised of world developments that have prophetic significance. At the same time, we’re sharing the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) with precious Jewish People all over the world. So, continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And please keep your connection to Jewish Voice strong. Your gifts make you a part of countering the rising global tide of anti-Semitism; delivering medical, humanitarian, and spiritual aid to “Lost Tribes” communities; and sharing the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah with Jewish People the world over.

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