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Cry of Hosanna Impacts Ethiopia Outreach

July 05, 2016

It may have been the most appropriate prayer ever prayed by a group of Jewish Voice outreach volunteers. It was certainly a fervent one.

Two years ago, in a remote Ethiopian community of impoverished Jewish exiles, several members of our medical outreach team worked frantically to save a tiny boy’s life.

Shockingly malnourished, dehydrated from waterborne illness, and suffering from second-degree burns, his equally frail mother had carried him into our white medical tent in desperation.

The two-year-old looked more like a six-month-old infant.

His name was Gebereal, a form of the biblical Hebrew name Gabriel. His name means “God is my strength,” but little Gebereal had no strength of his own on this day. In fact, he was beyond weak ...

... he was at death’s door.

Indeed, our medical staff estimated he would have survived scarcely 24 hours without urgent medical help.

Even so, the doctors and nurses working frantically on the boy were unsure they could save him, wondering if perhaps he had simply arrived at our Jewish Voice Ministries medical outreach too late.

So, intercessors from our prayer ministry tent were deployed to lift up the life of that tiny, precious boy in prayer. They prayed fervent, Scripture-based prayers that centered upon a single, passionate request:

“Lord, save him!”

“Adonai, Save Now!”

At the opening of this letter I suggested that this was an especially appropriate prayer. Why was this so? Because this outreach was taking place in the Ethiopian community called “Hosanna.”

It is home to many members of the Gefat tribe, one of the scattered Tribes of Israel that claim their heritage and customs trace back to dispersed ancient Israelites.

As you may know, the Hebrew word translated “Hosanna” in our English Bibles essentially means “Save us, Lord!” It’s the phrase the adoring throngs of Jerusalem shouted as Yeshua (Jesus) entered the city on the eve of His final Passover.

Those crowds were actually quoting from the 118th Psalm:

Hoshia-na! Please, Adonai, save now! ... Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai — Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Adonai. (v. 25-26 TLV)

Right there in Hosanna, Ethiopia, some lifted up “Hosanna” prayers while others applied their medical talents. Both were anointed by God. Both were successful.

Gebereal’s life was saved that day.

After the tiny boy’s condition stabilized, he was rushed to the nearest hospital for further treatment.

That lifesaving medical care — and the equally important Spirit-led ministry that accompanied it — were there for Gebereal and many thousands of others that week for one reason:

Because faithful friends like you gave generously to underwrite the costs.

As a Believer, there’s no feeling more wonderful than knowing that God has used your compassionate obedience to save lives and transform hearts among some of the poorest and most oppressed Jewish People on Earth.

I write today to let you know you have that opportunity right now!

If You Can’t Go, Send

The outreach two years ago that saved the life of Gebereal and many others was our very first to the Gefat of Hosanna, Ethiopia.

Now we’re preparing to go to Hosanna once more, September 2-11. (I’d love for you to go with us, but if you can’t go, you can certainly send!)

We now know from experience that the needs we will encounter in Hosanna will be immense and heartbreaking.

We also know the place will be true to its name. Facing overwhelming poverty and systemic persecution, the cry of the people there will be, “Save now, Lord!”

Will you help us answer that cry today? Will you be an answer to their plea for help?

If you’re able to say “yes” today, I have chosen a couple of very special expressions of our gratitude to give you.

For any gift of support for the outreaches of Jewish Voice, I want to send you our freshly updated and revised Lost Tribes of Israel wall map.

I believe you’ll find it a fascinating and eye-opening reference guide to the miraculous rediscovery of scattered remnants of ancient Israelite Tribes like the Gefat, as well as Jewish Voice’s efforts to reach and bless them.

Share an urgently needed gift of $60 or more and we’ll rush both the wall map and our new coffee table book titled The Lost Tribes of Israel, 3rd Edition.

The beautiful hardcover keepsake book is filled with striking photography of some of the loveliest and most fascinating people on Earth — members of the scattered remnants of Israelite Tribes in Africa and India.

You’ll prize this volume as a powerful reminder of your investment in bringing them help, hope, and the Good News of Yeshua.

Finally, if God has blessed you with the means to share a gift of $160 or more, I’ll send you the two new resources I just mentioned, plus a keepsake I believe you’ll find profoundly meaningful.

It’s a unique example of Ethiopian folk art in the form of a pillow cover handcrafted by a member of one of the Ethiopian people groups like those you’re helping to bless.

As you ask God what He would have you do in this moment of decision,allow me to point out that we will almost certainly encounter others like Gebereal in Hosanna, as well as in other key points of great need over the next few months.

God loves to save. It is why He sent us a Savior. Let us now be His outreached hands to answer the “Hosanna” cries of some of His most desperate People.

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