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Devote Yourselves to Prayer...

July 10, 2014


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Messiah . . .  – Colossians 4:2-3a 


Early this year, with much excitement, we announced our 2014 “Hear O’ Israel!” Festival of Jewish Music & Dance location as Ukraine.  Within weeks the situation there had escalated to a boiling point.  In the months and weeks since then, we have monitored the situation closely, and in early June, after much fervent prayer and careful analysis, including consulting our ministry partners in Ukraine, we moved to confirm that decision.

As you can imagine, the Festival requires ongoing and intensive intercession for this door to the Good News to stay open, and for us to be ready in all aspects for this event!  Please take to heart Paul’s exhortations in Colossians 4:2-3 to watchfully be devoted to prayer with us regarding this open door:


  • For the Lord to keep conditions stable in the area where we will be going and to protect the country as a whole from further strife
  • For a spirit of holy boldness to be upon our team, and the Lord to draw many volunteers who will soberly and gladly step into this opportunity, reaping eternal fruit and rewards
  • For the Ukrainian Jewish People’s hearts to be fully prepared to receive the Good News, not only because the events of the last few months, but also due to the sobriety of the season of Fall Festivals, and Rosh Hashanah, during which our Festival is set to occur
  • For favor with government officials and everyone with whom we interact, so that as stated above, the doors will open and stay open, and positive responses will be gained for everything we need, including VISAs, venues, publicity, lodging and travel, etc.
  • For the Messianic Believers and congregations who will be partnering with us in this effort, and stewarding the fruit that comes from it


Also, please join us in praying for our Buhera, Zimbabwe Medical Outreach, taking place July 25th through August 4th, with the actual clinic days set for July 28-August 1.

  • Praise God – the  Lord is on the move among the Lemba people!
  • We are excited for this timely opportunity, but ask for your prayer covering regarding the practical challenges and spiritual opposition we face
  • Please pray for a great outpouring of God’s Spirit on every aspect as last minute preparations are made over the next several weeks, including health, shipments, and paperwork

May we “see” in the Spirit the open doors that the Lord has provided and walk through them in faith and with great favor!  Thank you for  undergirding us in prayer!

Invite your friends and family to become Jewish Voice Ministries Prayer Partners by sending them this link.

Start praying now for our upcoming 2014 Medical Outreaches, and consider joining us!

Let us know how we can pray for you.

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