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Does Obama Want to Oust Netanyahu?

January 29, 2015

Recent reports from Israel suggest that U.S. President Barack Obama and his political allies are actively working to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the upcoming March elections. A reporter for the left-leaning, anti-Netanyahu newspaper, Haaretz, revealed in an article in Tuesday’s Hebrew edition of the paper that an organization called “One Voice” — largely funded by wealthy Obama political donors — is conducting a campaign to defeat Netanyahu’s national ticket in the March 2015 Knesset elections. In fact, the effort has now flown in a team of five veteran Obama campaign operatives (including Jeremy Bird, the Obama campaign's national field director) to run the anti-Netanyahu campaign from offices taking up the ground floor of a Tel Aviv office building.

Team Obama working to oust Netanyahu?

In other words, Team Obama has put both its immense donor network and its political campaign operatives at the disposal of those working to get Netanyahu voted out of office.

There is no small measure of irony in this startling revelation. It comes right on the heels of the Obama Administration’s very public scolding of Prime Minister Netanyahu and House Speaker John Boehner over the Speaker’s invitation to have Mr. Netanyahu speak to a joint session of Congress.

It was only late last week that a White House spokesman was explaining President Obama’s refusal to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu in this way: “We want to avoid even the appearance of any kind of interference with a democratic election.”

Standing in the gap for Israel

Israel is standing at a critical moment in her miraculous history. The nation finds itself beset by adversaries and threats on every side. And sadly, for the moment anyway, she cannot count on the support of the nation that has been her strongest ally — the United States. Quite the contrary it seems.

That’s why we’re urging our friends and partners to pray diligently and fervently for Israel in this prophetically significant season of history.

At the same time, we’ll do our best to keep you informed about developments of prophetic significance. This is a key part of our mission here at Jewish Voice.

We’re also intensifying our efforts to monitor world events and expanding our presence within Israel. At the same time, we’re using every medium at our disposal to combat the rising tide of lies, distortions, and misinformation about Israel.

All of this is made possible through the support of partners like you. As a way of saying thank you for your contribution today, we’d like to send you the beautiful Star of David with Wheat necklace.  The Star of David will show your solidarity with the Jewish People, and the sheaf of wheat represents the harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. Thank you for keeping your connection strong with us.



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