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DOUBLE the impact of your generosity

November 15, 2017

A few weeks ago, I wrote you about a God-given opportunity to have your gift DOUBLED to reach TWICE as many Jewish people and their neighbors in need of your care and compassion!

You still have time to do your part to leverage a $400,000 Matching Grant that will multiply your generosity to meet spiritual and physical needs in Zimbabwe.

Here’s what you need to know to HAVE YOUR GIFT DOUBLED …

Our team of skilled and dedicated medical professionals is heading to Chitsungo, Zimbabwe, early next year. We’ll host a 5-day Medical Clinic for thousands of impoverished people from a community called the Lemba, as well as for their neighbors.

The Lemba are Jews who, according to their oral tradition, migrated to Africa from Israel about 2,500 years ago. We call them “Lost Tribes” – pockets of Jewish people scattered around the world, many of whom struggle in poverty and isolation.

It’s heartbreaking to see the depth of suffering these people endure every day. That’s why I’m convinced our work in Chitsungo can have such a dramatic and lasting impact.

Will you help by sending the most generous gift you can to care for these struggling, isolated Jewish people?

Normally, each $30 you send would provide care and the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus, their Messiah, to one person. But right now, whatever you give will be DOUBLED to care for TWICE as many people!

Most important, though, your gift will provide the chance to share with them the motivation behind this ministry of compassion: our faith in Yeshua (Jesus), the One who died for them and wants them to receive the gift of eternal life. That’s what we want to do above all else.

During our recent Medical Outreach – in Buhera, Zimbabwe, just a few months ago – we treated 9,610 people. An amazing 315 accepted Yeshua as Messiah for the first time! Let me tell you about just one …

A 44-year-old woman named “Memory” was brought to the Clinic on a stretcher, suffering from many serious medical problems, including paralysis that kept her from walking or talking.

After she was examined by our medical team, we prayed for her. In a miraculous display of His limitless power, the Messiah healed her. Memory stood up, walked and talked! She was so happy, she asked our counselors to lead her in a prayer of salvation.

Miracles like this are why I hope you’ll give as generously as you can now. When you give by November 30, you’ll reach TWICE as many people with help and hope!

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