Are we in the End Times? What is God’s plan for the Jewish people? Do Gentile Believers have a role to play? Does understanding the Feasts of the Bible provide insight for our lives today? What is the significance of current events in Israel and the Middle East? How can I share the Good News with Jewish family and friends?
Each of these pertinent questions – and more – is addressed by the JVMI Speakers ministry. JVMI Speakers is part of the third element of our mission, which is to “engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people.”
The Body of Believers throughout the world is precious to the Lord. And God desires us to grow in knowing Him and what matters to Him. This includes the important aspect of understanding His heart and plans for the Jewish people and Israel.
Would you pray for our speakers and church engagement team as we seek to bring congregations into partnership with God in these areas?
Please pray for:
- An increasing desire among congregations to know and understand the Lord’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people
- Interest in Christianity’s Hebrew roots and the resurgence of attention on End-Time Bible prophecy to lead many to contact the JVMI Speakers ministry to learn more
- The safety, anointing and well-being of JVMI staff who travel to speak at churches, events and other gatherings throughout the country and around the world
- Pastors and others with spiritual influence to see the importance of understanding Israel and the Jewish people and invite our speakers to their church or community
- The opening of borders – both state and international – as well as churches so that speaking commitments already on our calendar for the next several months can take place safely and effectively
- Attendees of these events to be blessed and partner with Jewish Voice by going on an Outreach, giving, or praying for us
- Other creative and effective ways for Jewish Voice to engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people
We feel an urgency to see the Gospel proclaimed to the Jew first and see the world’s Messianic Jewish community grow. We know it is critical to both biblical prophecy and Jewish Voice’s ability to fulfill our mission that Gentile Believers understand the significance of Israel and the Jewish people. Thank you for joining us in prayer as we seek to engage the Church!
Let’s pray:
Lord, we have always been called to take the Good News of salvation to the Jewish people. But we also have good news for Gentile Believers and churches as well: news that will help them understand the whole of Scripture, see Your hand in biblical prophecy and current events, and find peace in troubled times. Please prepare the way for our speakers bearing Your message and use us to call the Church into understanding Your heart and partnering with You. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.