Rosh Hashanah, the first of the Jewish Fall Feasts, begins September 6 at sunset. This feast is widely celebrated among the Jewish people as the Jewish New Year. It is also called the Feast of Trumpets, where the blowing of the shofar signifies a wake-up call for repentance and restoring our relationship with God.
After Rosh Hashanah, there are other important Jewish Feasts on the calendar:
Yom Kippur: The holiest day on the Jewish calendar — a day of somber reflection in which we seek atonement for our sins before the Lord. This has been a dark year for so many — this will be a wonderful opportunity to seek assurance of His loving kindness towards us.
Sukkot: A time to remember the Lord's constant presence and provision for the Israelites in the desert following their exodus from Egypt. Sukkot also celebrates looking ahead to when Yeshua (Jesus) returns to regather His elect from the four corners (Matthew 24:31).
And then we celebrate another important event as winter approaches:
Chanukah: An eight-day holiday to commemorate the rededication of the Temple and the miracle of the oil for the lampstand lasting eight days. These Festivals have a special place in the lives of Jewish people throughout history. They’ve been a light of restoration and hope through the ages. And they can be for you today. My second reason for writing is to ask you to send a gift during the Jewish holidays — a gift that will help share the light and hope of Jesus the Messiah with Jewish people.

Learn more about Jewish rhythms and traditions
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There’s no better way to demonstrate your heart and compassion for Israel and the Jewish people than to bless them with the Good News of eternal life. You'll help us earn the right to share that life-transforming message through providing physical care. When you give, you’ll also help meet our goal of raising $419,400 between now and the end of Chanukah!
No matter when or how much you give, your support will provide:
- Much-needed medical, dental and eye care for Jewish people in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe
- Resources and critical support to Holocaust survivors, immigrants and other Jewish people in need in Israel
- Outreach through our partnerships with Messianic congregations and ministries helping Jewish people around the world
- Opportunities to share the hope of Jesus the Messiah with Jewish communities in remote and desolate areas around the world
What a difference you can make through your support!