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Field Update - April-May 2021, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia

July 07, 2021

Thank you for all you made possible on our recent Outreaches!

Thanks to your support of Jewish Voice Ministries, in April, we went to Zimbabwe with much-needed food aid, and in June, we held a full-scale Medical Outreach in Dawro, Ethiopia. Here’s what your support did for the people there.

Zimbabwe Food Distribution

Zimbabwe is enduring an ongoing economic crisis, and families are struggling to get enough to eat. Your support enabled a two-person team from Jewish Voice to distribute staple food items around the country. During the 11-day trip, the team visited 32 distribution sites to serve 139 Messianic Jewish congregations and the neighbors and friends they invited. Families each received a large bag of rice and cooking oil at each event and heard the Gospel.

Through your support, you also provided clean water to several vulnerable Jewish communities still collecting water from sources prone to contamination, such as ponds or streams shared with wildlife.  Thank you for all that you made possible in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Food Distribution Outreach

  • 3,136 Families received food, helping an estimated 18,000 people in all
  • 1,050 Families received Family LifeStraw® units
  • 11 Jewish people accepted Yeshua as Messiah

Dawro, Ethiopia

“If these people who are doing these good things for us follow Jesus, then we should follow Jesus too.”  That’s what one of our local Ethiopia partners overheard a man saying to a friend when our Living Waters team visited a Jewish village outside Dawro, Ethiopia, during our recent Medical Outreach.

You helped us take our Living Waters ministry to several outlying Jewish villages, where we distributed water filters and shared the Gospel. You helped us reintroduce the Zehra Kids Program in Ethiopia to encourage children and teach them how precious they are to Jesus, their Messiah. And you helped provide thousands of people with much-needed medical, vision and dental aid. Thank you!

Dawro, Ethiopia, Medical Outreach

Humanitarian Care

  • 9,592 People received medical care, including
  • 1,742 People received eyeglasses for clear vision
  • 91 Patients underwent eye surgery and restored sight
  • 918 People received dental care
  • 154 Patients had minor surgery
  • 1 New baby brought into the world!
  • 390 Families received LifeStraw® Units

Spiritual Care

  • 529 Children participated in Zehra Kids Program 
  • 259 People sought the Spiritual Care Ministry and heard the Gospel
  • 76 People accepted Jesus as the Messiah, including 33 Jewish people
  • 500 People received Bibles in their own language

Take a look at a report from Dawro, Ethiopia where Theo Steinhauer, Spiritual Affairs Manager, shares how much your support helped accomplish.

Thank you for the role you played in helping thousands of Jewish people and their neighbors!

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