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A Friend of Israel

July 15, 2016

British Prime Minister David Cameron resigned this week in the wake of his failed efforts to keep the United Kingdom in the European Union.

Replacing Cameron as the head of the Tory Party is 59-year-old Theresa May. Of course, any time a new leader steps into office within a major world power, the leaders and citizens of Israel tend to wonder how their nation is viewed by the new administration.

There is good news on this front where the new British Prime Minister is concerned. Early reports indicate that Israel has a good friend in the new occupant of Number 10 Downing Street.


One newspaper report this week said, “Britain’s new prime minister, like her trailblazing female predecessor Margaret Thatcher, is a firm supporter of Israel, and of the Jewish community.”

Theresa May visited Israel for the first time in June 2014 in her role as British Home Secretary—that nation’s equivalent of the U.S. Secretary of State. She later said of the visit that she was “delighted to see first-hand the flourishing partnership between the UK and Israel.”

While in Israel, she visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial and placed a wreath in memory of the Jews killed in the Nazi genocide. Back in the U.K. she has spoken out boldly and consistently against the rising tide of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment in her country and in Europe.

In one speech she declared, “Many Jewish people in this country are feeling vulnerable and fearful… I never thought I would see the day when members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom would say that they were fearful of remaining here in our country. . . . Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain.”

Despite this bit of good news, anti-Semitism and Israel-hatred are still on the rise around the world.

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