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Gaining Momentum in Masvingo!

April 20, 2017

Prayer points


Gaining Momentum in Masvingo!


One of the definitions Merriam Webster gives for momentum is: “the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes.”  When we speak of spiritual things, we know that strength or force doesn’t come from us, but from the mighty power of the Holy Spirit.


That is why we are seeking the Lord for momentum in Masvingo. In 2015 we tried to reach out there but the door closed. We went in 2016, and now we are returning for our second outreach there with many of the same key team leaders and volunteer outreach partners.  Spiritually speaking, together we tilled some hard soil, and this year on our return, we are hoping for an even greater harvest of fruit.


Please pray with us daily for the spiritual momentum to accelerate in Masvingo, Zimbawe as we return less than 9 months after our first outreach there.


Here are some requests for each day – please pray for:


Wednesday, April 19 through Wednesday, April 26 – Isaiah 40:3

  • Our advance team as they take care of last minute preparations
  • Our volunteer partners as they prepare to be away from work, family, and home during the outreach
  • Protection from false religions, cults, and witchcraft for the preparations and outreach itself, new Believers, and local congregations and that the Kingdom of Light will prevail


Thursday, April 27 – Deuteronomy 31:8

  • Smooth travels for our volunteer outreach partners, including flight connections
  • The Lord to speak to and prepare them even as they travel
  • Their luggage and easy transitions through customs


Friday, April 28 – Psalm 86:9

  • A good arrival and ease in overcoming jet lag and making cultural adjustments
  • Unity to be established during the Welcome meeting tonight and that it remains strong through the week
  • The worship team to welcome the Lord’s presence and help us set our hearts and focus in the right place each day, starting tonight


Saturday, April 29 – Isaiah 30:15a

  • Safe travel to our medical clinic site, six hours away on land
  • A good night’s sleep at our outreach campsite tonight and every night
  • For revelation during tonight’s meeting on the identity and calling of the Lemba to whom we will be ministering


Sunday, April 30 – Ephesians 6:10

  • Every detail of this busy and pivotal day to go smoothly
  • Clarity, unity, and understanding of all aspects during today’s orientation
  • Safe and effective set-up of the clinic itself
  • Favor and discernment in the hiring of well over 100 local workers to come alongside us for the week
  • The first patients as the clinic opens (about 12noon to 5pm Zimbabwe time) and they are invited in


Monday, May 1 – Psalm 34:9

  • The Lord to bring healing to many throughout the week and that we ourselves would be protected from every form of illness or injury
  • Favor with any authorities or others who may be visiting the clinic
  • For good weather – moderately warm with cloud cover – all week


Tuesday, May 2 – Psalm 116:1-2

  • The Lord to deliver us from anyone who would do us harm or be a distraction or deterrent to what the He wants to do there through us
  • A successful pilot of the Zehra (“seed” in Hebrew) program for children who come to the clinic – that they would have an encounter with Yeshua (Jesus) and begin to learn at a young age more about their own identity
  • The nation and people of Zimbabwe, as they are experiencing a severe financial crisis leading to many hardships―may the Lord have mercy on them, and may their hearts be open to receive Yeshua


Wednesday, May 3 – Hebrews 2:4

  • Miracles, signs and wonders throughout the week that will accompany the truth of the words being spoken
  • Individuals of great influence in the community to come to Yeshua this week and give testimony to His salvation with their changed lives


Thursday, May 4 – Luke 10:27

  • Physical stamina all the way to the end of the outreach
  • Spiritual stamina, including during the early morning (5am) prayer meetings each morning
  • Divine insight as blessings are decreed over the nation and people of Zimbabwe each day―may those of us praying for the outreach from home join in with our own blessings and decrees as well


Friday, May 5 – Psalm 126:3

  • As the clinic closes, please pray for those whom we were just not able to see.  May the Lord meet them with healing and salvation
  • Safety tearing down and packing up the tents, medical, and camping equipment and other assets
  • Shalom as we pay the local workers. Pray also that the Lord will touch and bring some of them to salvation as a result of what they have experienced over the week
  • A real sense of joy and gratitude for all the Lord has done at the end of the day; and safety during the 6-hour drive back to the hotel this evening


Saturday, May 6 – Hebrews 4:9

  • A wonderful day for each outreach participant filled with rest, refreshment, fun, joy, gratitude, time with the Lord, and a sense of celebration and accomplishment from partnering with Him throughout the week


Sunday, May 7 – Monday, May 8 and beyond – Acts 9:31

  • Safe travels home for all our outreach partners and their luggage; health and peaceful re-entry into family and work life
  • Our staff team members and local partners as they close out the details of the outreach and begin to travel home through the week
  • Focus and diligence for the local congregations as they follow up on those who received Yeshua and were open to being contacted – may they be connected with other Believers and grow in their relationship with Yeshua


LORD, it is only You who can activate and sustain the momentum needed to see souls saved, bodies and minds healed, and lives changed, as we partner with You in deed and in prayer.  May we see miracles beyond what we ask, and may the Lemba people and their neighbors in Zimbabwe receive blessing upon blessing from Your gracious hand as they come for care and find You. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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