At our recent Medical Outreach in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, Jewish Voice distributed an astounding 12,000 LifeStraws®. Thanks to the partnership of people like you, 12,000 men, women and children will enjoy a year or more of clean water.
That’s one year of freedom from the debilitating water-borne illnesses and possible death they would have endured drinking water from polluted rivers and wells. We can’t overstate the importance of what you, our partners, helped us accomplish.
But we can still do more. There are much more than 12,000 people in Debre Birhan and our other Outreach areas that could benefit from access to LifeStraws. We hope to eventually bring clean water to them all, just as we hope to reach them all with the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus), the true Living Water.
Please consider giving a LifeStraw today to make a critical difference in the life of a Jewish person or their neighbor.
Each LifeStraw costs just $15, or about the same as three cups of premium coffee. For the same amount as three mornings of caffeination, you can improve someone’s life for 365 mornings – and evenings.