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God Brings Us Out and Through: To Show the World Who He Is

April 10, 2020
God Brings Us Out and Through: To Show the World Who He Is

“The Egyptians will know that I am Adonai, when I stretch out My hand against Egypt, and bring out Bnei-Yisrael from among them” (Exodus 7:5).

There are far more unbelievers in the world today than Believers. Everything from complacency to cynicism keeps people from searching for God. Many, like the Egyptians who enslaved Israel, fail to recognize the one true God due to their loyalty to false gods. As God works in our lives, sustaining us through trials or supernaturally protecting us from them, He shows Himself to a disbelieving world that He loves.

The world is watching Believers. Some may look on eager to catch us in hypocrisy in order to discount God and justify their refusal of Him. Others may observe us with the desperate hope of seeing more evidence that God is true and good, giving them the courage to trust Him with their own lives.

As God works in our lives to sometimes rescue us from and sometimes sustain us through various difficulties, He reveals Himself to a world that urgently needs Him. As others see His faithfulness to you in your trails and your trust in Him, let us pray that many will be drawn to Him in faith.

God brings us out and through to show the world who He is so that many more can be saved.

“He has put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in Him” (Psalm 40:3 NIV).

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