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God continues to open the doors

December 06, 2021

As we move closer toward the end of the year, I’m writing to ask for your generous support…

I shared recently how God continues to open the doors for our Outreaches in Africa.

And in these final weeks of the year, we've set a goal of raising $209,000 by year's end to meet the urgent needs of hurting and suffering Jewish people.

The impact for the Kingdom in these areas among the Jewish people — and their neighbors — in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe is nothing short of miraculous.

People are touched by the healing power of God.

And hearts are softened and opened to the glorious truth that Jesus is their Messiah.

And after more than a year of so much isolation and distancing, the needs among the Jewish people in Africa — including those who are members of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” — are greater than ever.

But I believe as their physical needs have increased, their hearts are more open than ever before to hear the Gospel.

That’s why I’m praying you’ll give a generous year-end, tax-deductible gift today.

Believe me, this is about more than dollars and cents. This is about the Gospel of Jesus — healing bodies and saving souls.

God will use your generosity to transform the lives of more Jewish people and their neighbors through our upcoming Outreaches in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe — and all of our ministry efforts worldwide!

Thank you in advance for your support.

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