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God’s relentless pursuit calls for our relentless prayer!

January 21, 2021

God’s relentless pursuit calls for our relentless prayer!

Because of God’s relentless pursuit of the Jewish people, we are calling you, our partners, to join us in relentless prayer for their salvation.

Despite all of last year’s challenges, here at Jewish Voice, we are moving forward with fresh energy, vision and excitement. And some of it might even be because of last year’s challenges.

It seems as if the events of 2020 have rocketed us forward on God’s timeline and intensified our resolve and urgency to accomplish everything to which He is inviting us. We are all the more convinced of and committed to the priority of unashamedly taking the Good News of Jesus to the Jewish people first as well as their neighbors – even to the ends of the Earth.

The Lord is focused on Israel and the Jewish people. He has chosen them for His own name’s sake and proclaims that all Israel shall be saved. He wants us, and you, to partner with Him toward that end with even greater intensity. We are counting the cost and finding Him worthy of the sacrifice.

The Lord is relentless in pursuing His people, and His love for them is a call to us for relentless prayer. Please join us as we recommit with fresh urgency to not only go to the ends of the Earth according to the salvation strategy of Romans 1:16 but also to unified, persistent prayer to see all Israel saved.

This year, we will continue what the Lord has always called us to as a ministry, but we believe we are also in the early stages of something new. We feel the pressing need of the times, and we want you on this journey with us. Your partnership in prayer really matters. It has a direct and even eternal impact on our effectiveness in accomplishing the Lord’s purposes together.

The 5 Steps for Relentless Prayer initiative will energize us as we pray. It will stir and focus us on what the Lord is saying and calling us to. And it will break spiritual ground, preparing the way in places and among people groups – some we can anticipate, and others we can’t even imagine.

Unashamed of the Gospel and Relentless in Prayer!

We are unashamed of the Gospel and want to take it to the Jewish people wherever the Lord leads us.

To that end, will you partner with us and relentlessly pray?  

Here’s how you can engage:  

  1. Ask the Lord to speak to you regarding His call to intercession for Israel and the Jewish people around the world 
  2. Sign up now for a time to pray from home during this 3-week prayer initiative, from January 27–February 17, 2021. You can even sign up for multiple prayer times during those three weeks
  3. When you sign up for a prayer slot, we’ll send you 5 Steps for Relentless Prayer – the heart of this prayer initiative – which includes key Scriptures, targets and strategies that will ignite your focused and consistent prayers 

Pray through the 5 Steps for Relentless Prayer during your committed time slot and also throughout this year. We are praying relentlessly and watching eagerly to see what the Lord will do through us in reaching His people.

Let’s Pray:

Lord, we are ready to recharge, reset and press on, partnering with You in Your purposes through relentless prayer. May we each set aside time for a three-week concentrated effort – as well as ongoing prayer throughout this year – to see Jewish people come to know Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah. This is Your heart, Lord – Your plan, and Your call to us to join You. As You look for people to watch on the wall and stand in the gap through prayer, may we be those who respond. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.


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