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Good News - Quarter 2, 2022

April 20, 2022

JVMI Outreach in Africa: Transformed from the inside out . . .

Liya* thanks God – AND YOU – for the extraordinary work in her heart!

Liya heard that Jewish Voice was hosting an Outreach in her area of Ethiopia. And after receiving medical attention, Liya asked for prayer and counseling. She was looking for something – ANYTHING – that would loosen the squeeze she felt around life. Her husband had left her. Her children were depending on her. Liya was barely making it – performing backbreaking work day in and day out. It felt like her family was falling to pieces, and her life was falling apart.

Liya cried out to God. And she gave her life to Jesus! When Liya returned to the Outreach the next day, her face glowed in wonder. Her outward appearance
showcased the inner transformation of the Gospel taking deep root in her heart. As our team approached her, Liya shared:

“I had to come back because I accepted Jesus. Immediately I felt a change on the inside. I got home and I gathered my children together and we prayed.
We all felt such a tangible change that we had a special feast of celebration together. I had to come back and say thank you!”

This is the kind of transformation you help make possible through your generosity. Thank you for being a part of God’s work to reach the Jewish people and their neighbors with the Good News.

* Named changed for privacy.


If we don’t go, who will?

Your gift today will help share the Good News with those
who don’t know about Jesus, the Messiah.

As Jewish people celebrate Passover, I’m convinced that in addition to Israel’s
deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the Lord was also using Passover to encourage Israel to look ahead. It is a shadow, the beginning of what would ultimately be fulfilled by Yeshua (Jesus) – Who is our Passover Lamb.

It’s that conviction that has driven this ministry for the last 55 years. And it will
continue to drive us until “all Israel saved” becomes a reality and Jesus returns.

And I want you to be a part of it. We can accomplish so much for God’s Kingdom
together. Nothing is more exciting than being a part of fulfilling prophesy and preparing for the return of the Messiah.

If, together, we don’t reach the Jewish people . . . who will?

What you hold in your hands right now is an opportunity to make an eternal impact. And I hope you’ll prayerfully consider giving another generous gift.

There’s so much work God wants to do among His people and their neighbors. And none of it will be possible without your help.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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