You can join this unprecedented journey to reach the remaining “Lost Tribes of Israel”

"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
Romans 1:16 (NIV)
Millions of Jewish people have yet to hear the Good News
You can play a key role in reaching the remaining “Lost Tribes of Israel” around the world
God has put on our hearts the vision to take the Good News to all of the remaining scattered Jewish communities around the world who have not yet been reached with the hope of Jesus the Messiah. Our goal is to accomplish this in the next 10 years. This would be in conjunction with the worldwide goal of multiple Bible translation ministries to provide all people access to God’s Word by approximately 2033.
With your support, we want to share the Good News with ALL of the unreached “Lost Tribes of Israel” — from places like India, Central Asia, the remote Pacific Islands and other regions in eastern and southern Africa.
Just as we have done in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and other countries, our plan is to seek out these Jewish communities, identify their physical needs – from clean water to medical care and more — and help meet these needs in the name of Jesus.
Inside this issue of Good News, you’ll see how we plan to carry out this vision God has given us — but it will only be possible when compassionate friends like you partner with us both in prayer and giving.
The difference we can make together
Our ministry in Ethiopia began more than 20 years ago when a team of a dozen people provided medical and dental care for 1,300 of the most needy from the
Beta Israel community.
Flash forward to today — hundreds of thousands of Jewish people and their neighbors in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe have received clean water and medical, dental and eye care.
But — even more important — more than 57,917 have come to know Jesus as their Messiah!
And, in Ethiopia, our most recent Outreaches have been led almost entirely by our in-country staff! Here are the steps we will take — with support from you, our caring partners — to reach the Jewish communities around the world who have not yet heard the Good News:
- Identify and form relationships with “Lost Tribes” communities around the world
- Determine the most critical needs in the communities
- Meet needs to transform lives and open the door to sharing the Gospel
- Train local leaders and help establish Messianic congregations
- Empower indigenous Messianic Jewish communities
Our ultimate goal: All remaining scattered Jewish people groups on earth have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel message.
You can play an important role by saying yes today
Stand with us financially and in prayer to reach scattered Jewish communities for Jesus
You can help launch the 10-year vision God has put on our hearts: to take the Good News to all of the remaining “Lost Tribes of Israel” around the world who have not yet been reached with the hope of our Messiah Jesus. Please pray with us and consider sending a gift today. Thank you!