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Gutu Prayer Points 2016

July 13, 2016

It was in Gutu, Zimbabwe that we hit an amazing milestone when we treated our 250,000th medical outreach patient back in 2014. We are headed there again next week to begin our third Gutu outreach, and we are so grateful to have your prayers covering us. The fact that the Lord continues to call us there is an expression and confirmation of His desire to bless and minister to these impoverished ones who are precious to Him and to us.

Thank you for partnering with us through your prayers.


NOTE: Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of our round-the-clock prayer watch during our Gutu outreach! Sign up for a time slot to pray from home! CLICK HERE.

Please pray for our July 21 – August 1 medical outreach to Gutu, Zimbabwe




Now through July 17, Sunday – Proverbs 3:4 * All of our staff team members who are serving in Gutu to arrive safely

* Favor as they begin the in-country preparations

* All logistics to be well planned and in place

* The area to be well prepared spiritually for the Kingdom of God to come, through the fruit of the Spirit as well as the gifts of the Spirit



July 18-20, Monday through Wednesday – Proverbs 16:23, Isaiah 40:3-5

* Good communication, divine connections, and great relationships with authorities on every level

* Key meetings by phone and in person to go well and pave the way for a smooth outreach

* Physical preparation of the site to be completed safely


July 21-22, Thursday and Friday – Proverbs 3:6, Hosea 10:12

* Smooth travel days without incident for our outreach partners

* All belongings and luggage to arrive safely as well

* Blessing over family members and personal matters at home while our outreach team and partners are away

* Spiritual preparations to be happening even as people travel


July 23, Saturday – Romans 15:5-6

* Quick recovery from travel and jet lag for our outreach partners

* Unity of the Spirit right from the start so we can have one heart and one mind, and operate as one body


July 24, Sunday – Ephesians 4:16

* Great wisdom and discernment in hiring local workers, and for physical and spiritual protection of the outreach location

* Our medical clinic as it opens today for a half day of serving those who come

* Each partner to be designated to serve in an area that utilizes their strengths and blesses others

* Humility and energy



July 25, Monday – Psalm 113:3

* Great blessing today, the first full day of the outreach

* All elements of the clinic to be well strategized and working smoothly

* Visiting authorities to be favorable and blessed by what we are doing


July 26, Tuesday – Psalm 127:2b

* Everyone’s health to be protected; and for good energy all week

* Divine encounters in the prayer room and the clinic as a whole that change lives

* Great weather all week – cool, but not cold – and a warm, good night’s sleep every evening in the tents


July 27, Wednesday – Hebrews 2:4, John 6:37

* The clear message of the Good News and new life in Yeshua to go forth with clarity and consistency, accompanied by signs and wonders

* Physical healing, spiritual deliverance, and salvations through the Good News of Yeshua


July 28, Thursday – Exodus 33:15

* A special visit taking place this week to one of our future outreach sites – for favor and breakthrough in logistics


July 29, Friday – 2 Timothy 4:7

* By God’s grace we serve as many people as possible on this last half-day of the clinic

* Safety and efficiency tearing down and packing up

* The fragrance of Yeshua and the impact of the Good News to remain and spread even after we leave



July 30, Saturday – Isaiah 40:31

* Continued stamina for our JVMI team members as they attend to final details of closing things up

* Rest and safe travels as our outreach partners begin to debrief and relax from the busy week of ministry


July 31, Sunday – Psalm 96:3

* Safety for all our outreach partners as they depart Zimbabwe, arriving home Monday; and that all their bags would arrive with them


August 1, Monday – Matthew 25:21

* For several of our JVMI staff team who will be leaving Zimbabwe in a few days to visit possible outreach locations for 2017 – safe travels, favor everywhere they go, and that they hear and discern the will of the Lord

* The follow-up of the many who received Yeshua– that they would be open to discipleship and becoming part of a congregation and that the Good News of Yeshua would spread throughout the region


Lord, give us fresh eyes to see the people of Gutu, and fresh stamina and anointing to minister to them out of the fullness of the Spirit of Yeshua living in us. May our faith combined with Your faithfulness be used to overcome any obstacles. May Your kingdom be advanced by Your power manifested through love and obedience as we seek to do Your will. To You be all the glory! In Yeshua’s Name, AMEN.

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