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The Harvest is Plentiful, Pray for the Laborers

September 24, 2015

Sep_2-Prayer-Points-Banner2 The Harvest is Plentiful, Pray for the Laborers  

We’re going to Gondar, Ethiopia in October to minister to the Beta Israel.  Our last medical outreach of 2015 is also our first outreach of the Hebrew year 5776!  Gondar is also significant for us as it was the location for our very first Jewish Voice medical clinic in 1999.  We have returned there several times and are so blessed to have the opportunity to bring Yeshua’s life, salvation and healing to Gondar once again. We ask for your urgent, daily prayers as it is fast approaching and will be held October 9-19.  Please pray for:

  • Health and stamina for our Global Outreach team since those who are preparing for, and ministering on the Gondar Outreach were also deeply involved in the Odessa, Ukraine, “Hear O’ Israel!” Festival.
  • All outreach supplies and equipment to arrive safely, be processed, and released to us in a timely manner.
  • All paperwork and certifications needed for our team to minister in Gondar to also be processed and approved quickly.
  • Good weather, and the health of all participants.
  • Safe travels, and also the safe set-up and tear down of the medical clinic.
  • A fresh wave of salvations among the Beta Israel!  We long for each one to not only be healed and whole, but to know Yeshua!
  • Not only the Beta Israel, but also for their neighbors to come to the clinic, receive much needed care, and accept the offer of salvation through Yeshua.
  • The Living Word, Yeshua, to be spoken and lived loudly through us in a way that is undeniable, accompanied by signs and wonders!

Our Odessa, Ukraine “Hear O’ Israel!” Festival was a success and we are praising the Lord!   As we prayed here daily at our Jewish Voice Ministries' IMG_4159.jpegheadquarters, and as the prayer teams in Odessa prayed around the clock the week of the Festival, we knew that we were being joined by thousands more of you across the nation and world.  Thank you!

Our team members are returning with many stories of the wonderful ways they saw God at work, and we are also hearing of wonderful testimonies of people coming to Yeshua!

There were a few significant challenges – but the Lord overruled and brought some wonderful solutions.  For example, plans for an additional, outdoor stage in front of the Opera House fell through within just days of the Festival.  However, another outdoor venue - a small soccer stadium - was available, so we were able to not only accommodate people inside the Opera House, but to also include several thousand others who were able to watch via live web stream outside in a nearby area of the city at the stadium!  Throughout the spiritual battles, the Lord kept our team strong and focused on Him, and they are confirming the significance of being upheld by your prayers!

We truly believe God used this three-day Festival to impact the whole City of Odessa itself for the Kingdom, and not just individuals.  Here are some ways to continue praying for:

  • Complete refreshment for our Jewish Voice staff team; our Partners who formed the prayer and street outreach teams; all the Odessa believers who helped through prayer and service; as well as all the wonderful performers
  • Every seed that was planted to grow and bear eternal fruit
  • Effective and timely follow-up and discipleship for all those interested in hearing more
  • Hundreds to become part of the new Messianic Congregation that is forming
  • The Lord to sustain and increase the significant Kingdom impact that we believe took place as a result of this Festival and its’ influence throughout the city and nation
  • Wisdom for all the Believers in Odessa to steward well the great things that the Lord has done!

Thank you again for helping us end 2015 well with your prayers for Odessa, and now for Gondar.  We want to see many thousands more touched by the love and healing of Yeshua, before this year runs out.  Your prayers are making the difference every day of this year and as we move towards 2016.  May the Lord bless you!


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