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Hatred Toward Israel and Her People

May 14, 2015

New_Banner_Email “The world’s oldest hatred has reached surrealistic levels.”

This was the sad but credible assessment of author and human rights activist Isi Leibler in an opinion column in the Jerusalem Post this week.

It came as Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducted its fifth annual Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism in Jerusalem this week. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened the symposium with an address to a host of prominent leaders and activists in attendance.

Those in attendance heard truly alarming reports of the growth of anti-Semitism throughout the world.

AP420367218465 2.jpg In his opening remarks, PM Netanyahu cited the example of Israel’s recent efforts to aid the earthquake victims in Nepal. He said: “This morning. I went down to Ben-Gurion airport to welcome home the IDF’s humanitarian mission to Nepal. about Israel said that of all the countries in the world, and Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world, Israel fielded the second largest rescue and relief team in Nepal. “Our people did a magnificent job. They saved lives. They took people out of the rubble. They treated 1,600 wounded people and sick people. They delivered life, several births. “Yet yesterday state television in both Iran and Venezuela accused our humanitarian team of trafficking in babies. "Now, did any of you see an Iranian rescue team in Nepal? This is the quintessential example of the Big Lie technique.”


As many of the presenters at the conference this week revealed, we are indeed witnessing a startling resurgence in global anti-Semitism.

Supporting Israel and her People

Of course, all of this makes the vital work of Jewish Voice all the more important right now.

We’re using every medium at our disposal to counter the lies, distortions, and misconceptions being spread by those who are biased and filled with hostility toward Israel and the Jewish People. Many of these have powerful media connections and significant platforms.

That’s why we appreciate your support so much. Your contributions make you a vital part of these efforts and so much more. You are right there with us as we fight anti-Semitism with the truth, sickness and poverty with humanitarian aid, and hopelessness with the eternal hope of Yeshua (Jesus). Because of you, precious Jewish People, including the most vulnerable – children and the elderly – are receiving compassionate care and hearing the Good News of Yeshua.

As our way of saying thank you for your contribution of $40 or more today, we’d like to send you a set of lovely gifts. The Blessing Keychain is a replica of the oldest known biblical text, the Aaronic Blessing, and contains the special words of Numbers 6:24-27 on one side. We’ll also send you the Names of God Banner, a beautiful indoor banner with the English word, Hebrew transliteration, and Hebrew letters for several names of God. We hope that both of these gifts remind you of how great and loving our God is, and how much we appreciate you.   Thank you so much for serving together with us! 



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