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Help us open doors through prayer

October 12, 2017

prayerOpen Doors to the Good News in 5778/2018


The Hebrew year 5777 has ended, and we are now in 5778, which some are calling the Year of the Door. This is because Chet, the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, represents the 8 in 5778 and signifies a door. It brings to mind Rav Shaul’s (the apostle Paul’s) words in 1 Corinthians 16:9, regarding how “a great door has opened wide for me, though many are in opposition.”

As we look at the list of upcoming Jewish Voice Ministries Outreaches for 5778/2018, we see six critical doors of opportunity for the healing love and saving power of Yeshua (Jesus) to be made known:

  • Ethiopia – March 15-25, 2018
  • Zimbabwe – April 19-30, 2018
  • Ethiopia – May 24-June 3, 2018
  • Southern Africa – July 19-30, 2018
  • Zimbabwe – August 23-September 2, 2018
  • Ethiopia – October 4-14, 2018

Please join us as we begin to saturate each location with prayer!

Let’s pray:

  • Lord, please finalize every detail and give us favor – Your favor, as well as that of the local and national leaders and authorities in each area and in each country
  • We listen so carefully for Your will regarding where we should go. We continue to listen, Lord. You see and know what we do not. Close any doors that are not of You, and open any new ones You are calling us to enter
  • Father, we have often experienced that open doors entail much opposition. Begin to soften hearts and break down resistance in these places. Stir prayer that moves mountains for each nation You have put before us
  • As Believers, congregations and other groups begin to look ahead to 2018, may they purpose to come on Outreaches with us and bring others with them
  • Help us – as people of prayer – to have faith to believe You for the future, as we pray through these dates and places that extend well into next year
  • Deepen our desire to see all Israel – all the Jewish people of the world – saved, as well as their neighbors, and give us a greater burden for the urgency of the Gospel
  • Open the eyes of those we are reaching out to that they may see Yeshua IS the door, the only way to salvation, according to John 10:7. May they see and believe! In Yeshua’s name, AMEN

Thank you, Prayer Partners, for paving the way with your prayers for us to move through the open doors the Lord has for us. May He open doors of favor for you as well!

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