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Here are 7 ways you can pray...

January 25, 2017

Jewish Voice Prayer Points - 7 ways you can pray



Your Prayers Prepare the Places We Go!

We continue to invite you to “prepare the way through prayer” as we seek the Lord for favor in each of our 2017 outreach locations. When we arrive at an outreach, we hit the ground running and barely stop until the outreach ends. So, the more work done ahead of time through the spiritual activities of prayer and fasting, the better!

Your prayers in the spiritual realm will exponentially multiply our labor in the physical realm. Please join us in praying for every location, region, and nation to be fully prepared to receive the presence of Yeshua through our ministry teams of staff and volunteer outreach partners.

Please pray that:


  • Our prayers and the prayers of Believers in each location will spiritually “prepare the ground” for the ministry of medical and dental care and the compassionate ministry of God’s presence that brings salvation (Matthew 21:22).
  • The Lord assembles great teams of outreach partners to fully staff each outreach and who will be “Yeshua with skin on” as they minister in the places we go (Psalm 34:10).
  • The Lord will remove any and all forms of opposition before we get there (Isaiah 57:14).
  • We receive hearty welcomes nationally and locally (Proverbs 3:4).
  • God is preparing excellent local workers to assist us in each place – workers who will fully come alongside what we are doing and be impacted themselves by the presence and power of Yeshua (Philippians 4:19).
  • Permissions, paper-work, and preparations will all be completed efficiently and fully approved in good time (Matthew 7:7).
  • Each region as a whole will be positively impacted, everywhere we go (Luke 4:14).

Lord, you made a deep and lasting impact when You walked the earth. Your Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) continues Your work through us, today. May You bless the work of our hands and go before us, opening doors and preparing the way, before we arrive! In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.


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