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Hope Through the Blood of the Lamb | Day 3

April 08, 2020

Hope Through the Blood of the Lamb | Day 3

From Exodus 12:13: And when I see the blood I will pass over you

I love celebrating Passover every year. But when I was a teenager the biblical account of the Passover became meaningful in a way that touches me to this day. The Lord used that story to help me understand the gift of salvation through Yeshua through a simple Gospel pamphlet. It was about how the children of Israel by faith applied the blood of a spotless lamb on their doorposts and lintels, and once that had been done, the people inside that home were safe. I was struggling with fear that I wouldn’t be able to believe big enough to truly be saved; but this little booklet helped me see that it wasn’t about what I could accomplish. What had already been done through the blood was what mattered and made the difference. Through faith in what Yeshua, the Lamb of God, accomplished through the shedding of His blood, I was safe – and saved!

The story of the Passover is one of the most meaningful in Scripture. It reflects back to the Garden of Eden and the need for Adam and Eve to be covered by the skins of animals that were killed. It reminds us of Abraham not having to sacrifice Isaac because God provided a ram. It tells us about God’s deliverance of His children from cruelty and slavery. And it points forward to the ultimate remedy and provision for sin and death through the sacrifice and resurrection of our Savior, Deliverer and Messiah, Yeshua.  

Doesn’t that fill you with gratitude and hope?  Doesn’t that make you want to TELL SOMEBODY?

Where in the Word: Exodus 12:1–16

Finding hope:

  • PONDER: Where do you see yourself in the story of the Passover? Would you be confident or fearful? Why? Where do you see yourself in the story of the Good News?
  • PRAY: If you have not received God’s gift of salvation through Yeshua’s sacrifice, talk with God about that now! If you have received Him, pray for someone else who needs to know this Good News.
  • RESPOND: Is the Lord asking you to share the amazing story of Passover and the gift of salvation to which it points with someone? Who? Ask God for an opportunity and take it.

Something more to talk about with God, family and friends: Exodus 12:46; Isaiah 53; John 19:33–37; John 1:29

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