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How God is Blessing Jewish Voice Through Your Prayers

June 15, 2015

June_1-Prayer-Points-Banner2 It seems barely a day goes by that we don’t have one, two, or, most likely, many requests that we are taking to the Lord in prayer as we seek to bring the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jewish People and also the Nations. However, we find it also true that a day never goes by that we are not also praising the Lord for answers to prayers! Thank you for joining us in our prayers and our grateful praises! 

Some new and ongoing prayer requests:

Gutu, Zimbabwe Outreach, July 30th-August 10th:

We have a very small medical team for this outreach; please pray for the Great Physician to fill every need! There is a tremendous amount of logistics involved in preparing for and setting up our Zimbabwe outreaches – please pray for our Jewish Voice team and for every detail to come together with ease. The Lemba people and others in Zimbabwe need to have great discernment. There is a real spiritual battle going on for their souls! Please pray that they are able to tell the difference between those offering them true care, life, and hope in Yeshua (Jesus) and those offering bribes and lifeless religion in exchange for commitment to religious groups and services. Pray for the truth of Yeshua to shine through! Please pray for many to come to the clinic, receive the care they need, and receive new life in Yeshua!



Gondar, Ethiopia Outreach, October 9th-19th:

Once again, we urgently need your prayers for doctors to come on our medical outreaches! The deadline for medical participants for our Gondar outreach is not until late August, but please be praying now for this critical need! We believe that some of you, our Prayer Partners, might even know a medical professional that could make all the difference to the ill and hurting in Gondar. Please pray, and spread the word regarding the need so that together we can watch what God will do in answer to our prayers!There are crucial paperwork deadlines for practicing medicine short-term in the nations in which we minister. Please pray that medical volunteers sign up in plenty of time to meet these deadlines. Please join us in praying for great success for our new Medical Outreach Partner Representative as she reaches out to medical professionals who the Lord might lead to join us on our outreaches. Please pray for divine connections and great success so that we can continue to provide excellent medical care through sufficient and efficient professionals!



Ukraine Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance, September 4th-14th:

Praise the Lord with us: the venue has been finalized! We are moving forward and greatly appreciate your prayers for this fast-approaching event! Pray for unity, creativity and strength for all individuals and teams who are working together to help put this wonderful festival together. Some of our Global Outreach members will be traveling to Ukraine soon in order to meet with key individuals and move the festival preparations forward. Please pray for safe travels and effective, productive time.


We have a deep desire to see the Good News of Yeshua impact individuals, communities, and nations with salvation, healing, and transformation. Thank you for making a difference, everywhere we go, through your prayers!


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Visit the Jewish Voice website to learn more about the various ways we share the Good News of Yeshua to a hurting world, to the Jew first and also to the Nations.

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