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How is this Passover like the very first?

March 03, 2021

How is this Passover like the very first?

Passover is a time of miracles, movement and freedom. It’s a season that asks us to look ahead.

Will you look ahead with me for just a few minutes? I want to share how Passover influences the way we think about our purpose.

This pandemic has been a turning point for many of us, and Jewish Voice is no exception. Prayerfully, we have spent this time planning and preparing for a new season of global outreach.

Many groups speak of blessing and helping the Jewish people and provide for the physical needs of Jewish people around the world, but we know of no blessing – no greater gift – than to share the Good News of the Messiah with the Jewish people.

This is why we exist as a ministry – to transform lives and see all Israel saved.

And you help make this possible!

Three times in Paul’s letter to the Romans, Paul describes God’s salvation, judgment and vindication as coming to the Jew first, and then to the Gentile.

That’s why we’ve packed stadiums around the world with “Hear, O Israel!” music and dance festivals, which have exposed more than 610,000 people to the Gospel in the last 20 years. By God’s grace, tens of thousands of Jewish people have come to faith in their Messiah as a result of these efforts.

We want to reach even more Jewish people with both hope and healing – but we need your help.

The purpose of the entire Law is expressed in one important phrase: Tikkun olam, “to repair or heal the world.” For Jewish Believers, this central message is only amplified by Jesus: May God’s Kingdom come to us, and may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Yeshua (Jesus) offers eternal life, but He also heals this life and this world by entering it and bringing hope and justice.

With Passover’s emphasis on new beginnings, Jewish Voice is planning a new season of outreach.

Our Medical Outreach program has been incredibly successful in reaching the “Lost Tribes of Israel” in remote locations with important medical care. These “Lost Tribes” are descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (Jacob) who have been scattered to remote corners of the world. They have retained their Jewish customs and traditions amidst poverty and persecution. All without knowing that their Messiah has come!

In the last 20 years, our medical volunteers have helped over 573,000 Jewish people and their neighbors in intense poverty with life-saving medical treatment in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and India. We’ve provided everything from simple checkups to setting broken bones and pulling teeth. We’ve also established eye clinics and provided dental care for Holocaust survivors in Israel.

Thanks to compassionate friends like you who stand with us, every year we have been able to help more and more Jewish people in need.

Even with the coronavirus pandemic impacting 2020, we saw more than 100,000 patients in the last two years at our Medical Outreaches. The rapid changes happening worldwide have caused us to seek the Lord for new, more targeted, strategies even beyond our medical work.

This year, we want to reach even more Jewish people through this ministry – not just because it’s healing the world by healing human bodies, but because our various outreach activities have so effectively healed human souls with the message of the Messiah.

Meeting real needs for the “least of these” is so important. But showing the love of Jesus to the least-reached is even more vital.

It is customary on high holidays like Passover to give tzedakah, or almsgiving. Christians often translate this word in the Bible to be “righteousness,” but it has a nuanced meaning more like “just mercy” and can include anything from almsgiving, to volunteering, to advocating for the poor.

It’s putting our money where our mouth is.

This Passover, I humbly ask for your tzedakah.

I’m asking for the most generous gift you can give to help us bring healing to Jewish people all over the world, knowing that your gift will meet the urgent needs of the vulnerable and introduce Jewish people to their Messiah.

If you want to connect with the Jewish roots of your faith in a deeper way, I would love to send you our Messianic Passover Haggadah when you give a gift of any amount. This is a step-by-step guide for hosting your own Messianic Passover Seder – the feast that celebrates Passover. You can invite your Jewish friends and neighbors to celebrate with you and have the opportunity to share how Jesus is our Passover Lamb.

If you already have a Haggadah, consider getting another one for your guests. During the Seder celebration, each person usually has their own copy.

If you give $30 or more, we’ll also include our book, The Spring Feasts and Purim. You’ll learn the history and prophetic significance of each biblical feast and the meaning for Believers today.

And if you are able to give $160 or more, we’ll send you our Passover Seder Kit. It contains everything you need to host your own Messianic Seder, including candle holders, Seder plate and cup, matzah tosh, a DVD titled Yeshua’s Final Passover filmed in Jerusalem plus the Haggadah “order of service” guide. You’ll also receive The Spring Feasts and Purim Book.

We would be honored if you would pray with us and for us. Pray for our international outreach teams, who are going to the ends of the earth. Pray that we would continue to reach Jewish people scattered around the world.

Again, on behalf of Jewish Voice, I thank you for supporting Israel and the Jewish people.

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