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How You Can Pray for Gondar, Ethiopia

May 13, 2016

How You Can Pray for Gondar Like Paul, we desire that “all Israel be saved,” and once Jewish People come to know Yeshua as Messiah, we also desire that they grow in their relationship with Him.

That is why Jewish Voice’s global ministries area has two arms – Global Outreach, which goes to key locations with the Good News of Yeshua; and Congregation and Leadership Development, which seeks to plant indigenous congregations and develop leaders around the world as the Lord directs. Join us in praying for this vital part of the mandate that God has called us to fulfill.

Join us in praying for this vital part of the mandate that God has called us to fulfill. Please pray for:

  • The Lord’s help in identifying and equipping leaders for each congregation
  • Effective follow-up of new Believers after each outreach
  • Openness on their part to be disciplined and joined together into a local congregation
  • Each congregation to be marked by harmony and fellowship within, as well as cooperation and unity with other congregations in the area and region
  • Wisdom for Jewish Voice in how to equip and release congregational leaders
  • Wisdom for the indigenous leaders as to how to lead their own flocks with integrity and vision

Speaking of our outreaches, our next medical outreach to Gondar, Ethiopia is just around the corner. Please join us in praying daily throughout the outreach. Click here to sign up for our prayer schedule.

Join us in praying daily throughout the outreach. Please pray for:

  • Safety and health for all outreach partners leading up to the outreach as well as during and after
  • All last minute details and preparations to fall into place
  • Word of the medical clinic to spread in the region and that those who need care are able to come and be treated
  • The Lord to prepare the hearts of those we are going to minister to – may they be open to not only receiving treatment but also to receiving Yeshua
  • The Lord to prepare our team and outreach partners with big faith to see Him do big things

Lord, the moment of salvation is a miracle, but the walk of faith lasts a lifetime. Please prepare hearts everywhere we go to not only receive You but to follow You. Remind us too of the privilege and sacred joy of being Your child and enjoying Your presence – every day of our lives. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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