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How You Can Pray for the Jewish Voice Zimbabwe Outreach

April 22, 2015


How You Can Pray for the Jewish Voice Zimbabwe Outreach

Next week, through two different means, there is opportunity for Jewish Voice Ministries to impact thousands of people in a specific area of Africa. We need your prayers! As you read this blog, we are about to begin 2015's first medical outreach to Zimbabwe (April 23 - May 4). We are going to the Lemba people in the Mberengwa region and invite you to pray with us that this outreach will have significant and eternal impact. Please pray for: • Protection of all participants as they travel to, in, and from Zimbabwe. • Safe arrival and timely delivery of all supplies and for safe and efficient site set-up. • A spirit of unity, as well as the fruit of the Spirit, to be manifest through each staff member and volunteer. • The presence of Yeshua to be evident through every participant and felt onsite. • The medical volunteers to be strengthened as they represent the Great Physician to those who come in need of care. • The prayer team to be awakened as they offer targeted prayer for needs and share the Good News of Yeshua so that spiritual needs can be met. • Stamina for the whole team - that they are able to do all things through Messiah who gives them strength. • Every detail to be in place and for favor with everyone our team encounters so the Good News and medical ministry can go forth without hindrance, delay, or distraction. • The Good News to be proclaimed clearly and accompanied by signs and wonders. • For many to receive salvation, healing, and deliverance!


While the medical outreach is taking place, we will be ministering to people’s physical needs and encouraging them to receive the Good News of Yeshua. But that is not all that will be happening! During the outreach week, a strategic training will take place.

• Praise God for the newly established Mberengwa Messianic Leadership training center where this special time of equipping will be held on April 29 and 30. • Please pray for the 50 indigenous leaders from the Lemba who will receive training. • Ask God for anointing for Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, and Troy Wallace, Jewish Voice Ministries Director of Congregation and Leadership Development, as they present the teaching and interact with the leaders. • Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring revelation as the attendees receive scriptural teaching about living and gathering as Messianic Jewish Believers. • Intercede for these Lemba leaders to be empowered and equipped to serve their congregations and the many Lemba Believers in the area – may they continue in ministry with fresh vision and revelation!


Throughout the book of Acts, we see an ongoing interplay of the Good News being proclaimed; people coming to faith in Yeshua; the Believers gathering together to worship God, growing in their faith, and encouraging one another; and then going out to share the Good News with others. This is a beautiful picture of what is happening now, in our day, in Zimbabwe! Thank you for your prayers – you are having a powerful impact! To God be the glory!


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