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If God Had Not – Passover Devotional 5

April 14, 2017

Passover plate

“If God had not delivered us, we would still be slaves.”
―Passover Seder


Without God’s intervention, the Jewish people in Egypt had no hope of freedom. They were powerless against their captivity. They would have remained in their oppression and continued to face the heartless disregard for their humanity, needs, and dreams. But God stepped in, declaring His love for His people, rescuing them out of their slavery to Pharaoh, and setting them free.


Likewise, God initiates our salvation. He is the One who saw our need and stretched out His hand to meet it. He sent Yeshua (Jesus), our Passover Lamb, to die in our place. God came to our rescue. If not for His intervention, we would remain in our sin, unable to have fellowship with God.


God is good. He is light, and He is love. If God had not delivered us, we would not know Him as these spirit-filling need-meeting, soul-quenching characteristics. We would still be slaves to sin, obeying its power to lead us away from our good God and into things that cannot satisfy our true and deepest needs. But God stepped in, declaring His love for us, rescuing us out of our slavery to sin, and setting us free.


But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Messiah died for us.

―Romans 5:8


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Messiah Yeshua. For the law of the Spirit of life in Messiah Yeshua has set you free from the law of sin and death.          

―Romans 8:1-2


Thank you, Father, for rescuing me out of slavery to sin so that I can know Your deep love. Thank You for wanting me to have life, which comes from reconciled fellowship with You. You are so good! Thank You, Yeshua, for dying to give me life!


Get the informative Passover Seder Plate Infographic!


Learn more about Passover, here: 

Yeshua, Our Passover Lamb – Passover Devotional 1

He Heard the Cry of Our Affliction – Passover Devotional 2

When I See the Blood – Passover Devotional 3

With Outstretched Arm – Passover Devotional 4

If God Had Not – Passover Devotional 5

Free Indeed – Passover Devotional 6

Freed to Serve A Good Master – Passover Devotional 7

Living Ready – Passover Devotional Day 8


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