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Insider's Insights: With All of This Bad News, What Hope Do We Have?

November 06, 2015

With All of This Bad News, What Hope Do We Have?  

The flow of troubling news out of Israel and the Middle East continues unabated this week.

For example, over the weekend a Russian commercial airliner filled with tourists heading home to Russia apparently exploded in mid-air over the Sinai Peninsula killing all 224 aboard. The Islamic State (ISIS) immediately claimed responsibility.

Meanwhile, the random knife attacks by Palestinians upon unarmed, unsuspecting Israelis continued and included separate attacks which gravely injured a 70-year-old woman, an 80-year old woman, and a 71-year-old man.

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri


In related news, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri praised the recent wave of Palestinian attacks against Israelis and called for similar lone wolf attacks in Western countries, especially in the United States.

In a video statement released on Twitter, Zawahiri pointed to the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013 as another type of lone wolf attack that should be emulated.

Also, the Islamic State terror group released a video last Sunday with a message for the people of Israel. In it, an ISIS spokesman speaking Hebrew says that he and his jihadist comrades are “preparing for a major war” against Israel and are planning to infiltrate the nation to carry out attacks.

It’s tempting to feel helpless in the face of these spreading atrocities and threats, but you can make a real difference. Your prayer is vitally important, and God’s Word reminds us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

And, your ongoing support of Jewish Voice helps us to combat anti-Israel misinformation, prevent it from spreading, and rally support for Israel and the Jewish People. Your support makes you a key part of proclaiming the truth on a global media platform as well as delivering medical help and other forms of assistance to some of the most impoverished and oppressed Jewish People on Earth.

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As our way of saying “thank you” for your contribution of $60 or more today, we’d like to send you a valuable resource that will enlighten your understanding and deepen your love for God’s Word. Hebrew Word Pictures is a book and CD set that will enrich your Bible reading and recharge your faith.

We are so grateful for your ongoing support of the work of Jewish Voice. Together we are accomplishing much for His kingdom. Thank you.



Hebrew Word Pictures, book and CD by Dr. Frank T. Seekins


hebrew-word-pictures-2012When the Hebrew language was first written, each letter represented both a sound and a picture. Hebrew words were formed by adding pictures together to illustrate the meaning of the word. Watch your understanding and love for God’s word come to life through Hebrew Word Pictures. This fascinating resource is written for the everyday Believer, but is also used by pastors and seminaries across the country. Not a book that you’ll read and then set aside, this is a book for life!


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