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Insider's Insights: Hezbollah 'Welcomes' Russia to Syria

October 02, 2015

Russia’s military buildup in Syria has continued unabated over the last two weeks. A wide variety of attack aircraft—as well as tanks and other weaponry and manpower—are arriving on an almost daily basis.

As I have mentioned in this space in recent weeks, the immediate purpose for this massive buildup of firepower is bolstering the shaky Assad regime—a key Russian ally in the region who is under attack by ISIS—and a number of other militia groups, some of which are backed by the United States.

The question Israeli leaders are asking themselves is, “Then what?”

Will Russia reduce its military footprint if and when ISIS is crushed and Assad is secure? Or will Putin’s government use its new muscle in the area, and increasing cooperation with Iran, to create what some have called a Russian-Shiite crescent of power that extends all the way to the Mediterranean?

Such an arc would pose an existential threat to Israel. To punctuate the reality of that threat, we learned this week that Assad’s Syrian government handed 75 Soviet era tanks over to Israel’s mortal enemy, Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Syrian Army was able to do so because of all the new Russian hardware it is now receiving.

Yes, extremist Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border is now in possession of 75 tanks. They themselves don’t pose a significant threat to Israel’s security, but the gift clearly demonstrates the domino effects of the Russian presence in Syria.

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