If there’s a message our world — and especially the Jewish community — needs today, I believe it’s this: “Life is hard. But God is good.”
In my own life and ministry, God has proven Himself to be loving, true and good. Sometimes He calls on us to wait on Him and listen. Other times He calls on us to act.
That’s why I’m writing — to ask you to stand with Israel, to act on behalf of Jewish people today.
As you know, Jewish communities are constantly under fire — from enemies that surround Israel, to a recent increase in anti-Semitism. And the coronavirus continues to be a problem in Israel and other countries where Jewish Voice ministers.
Thankfully, we need to look no further than Scripture for a compelling reminder of God’s faithfulness.
An ancient lament
Lamentations is an amazing glimpse at the heart of a prophet, the gripping response of God’s servant Jeremiah — his lament — as 2,600 years ago he surveyed the ruined city of Jerusalem, destroyed by the Babylonians.
In what can almost be called a poem, Jeremiah’s words are full of anguish as he describes the terrible devastation, the loss of life and the starvation of a city under siege.
But then, he turns from pain to promise, from horror to hope in the certainty that God will redeem the city and restore His people:
“This I recall to my heart therefore I have hope: Because of the mercies of Adonai we will not be consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning! Great is Your faithfulness”
(Lamentations 3:21-23).
Just imagine. Amid this great suffering, God shows through Jeremiah that He is a God of mercy, grace, and truth. He is good! If only we will trust Him.
I want to invite you to be part of God’s enduring promise — so dramatically foretold by Jeremiah — to bring eternal redemption to the Jewish people, especially those who are struggling to survive in Israel right now.
God wants to do so much good for His people! But I believe He is looking to you and me to join Him in faith to help deliver that good. There’s no better time than now for us to do so. But we need to trust Him.
What’s more, as I write you today, the coronavirus continues to cause serious problems in Israel. The government has struggled to stop the spread and move the economy toward recovery.
Sadly, among the most at risk is the elderly population. Because of their advanced age and preexisting medical conditions, they’re among the most vulnerable people in Israel.
And, finally, a fascinating development presents us with even more opportunity for ministry. Israel is experiencing an influx of Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia and other nations. Many are among the Beta Israel, one of the “Lost Tribes of Israel,” who are being allowed to move back to Israel. Jewish Voice is highly committed to meeting their spiritual needs.
What trust in God looks like
Because we care so much about the future of Jewish people in Israel, and because we believe in the redemption promised by God in Lamentations, Jewish Voice is stepping out in faith with a promise to provide $1,335,500 by year’s end to support Messianic ministries in Israel.
It’s a huge commitment, I know. We want to do everything we can to bring the saving message of Yeshua (Jesus) to the lost sheep of Israel — before it’s too late.
That is why we need your help! Your gift now will be put to work immediately to bless the Jewish people through dozens of kingdom-building partnerships in Israel to provide:
• Humanitarian relief essentials like food, medical support and dental care
• Ministry to widows, orphans and single moms — especially those who face crisis
• Training for Messianic congregations to raise up the next generation of Messianic leaders
• Discipleship and evangelism to advance the Gospel
• Much-needed support and services for new immigrants to Israel who are struggling to make a new life in Israel
I’m counting on your participation now more than ever. The simple fact is, we can’t do it without you.
This is a tangible, practical way to truly bless the Jewish people. It isn’t about dollars and cents. It’s about introducing them to their Messiah, Yeshua.
Won’t you stand with me now — with a gift of $20, $40, $60 or even more? You’ll demonstrate your faith and compassion for the Jewish people.
God has a plan for His people. He’s carrying out that plan right now, just as He has since before time. What a joy to be part of it — to help bring the Jewish people to Yeshua, leading to a dramatic, worldwide restoration.
This is what you’ll be a part of when you join us to support Israel and her people with your gift today.
Please don’t wait. We’ve promised to provide $1,335,500 by December 31 to support our Messianic ministry partners in Israel. And we must follow through.
That’s why I believe God is already moving in hearts now. And I hope in yours too. Thank you. And God bless you.