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Is ISIS Coming for Israel with Another Holocaust?

January 09, 2015

This week, the world has seen the viciousness of the Islamic State at work in the cold-blooded assassinations of journalists and police officers, and the deaths of several hostages in Paris. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones, and indeed the whole nation of France, mourning this violent act of terror.

The last several months have seen a growing world concern over the atrocities of ISIS with measured military efforts against them. At first, the band of terrorists seemed only to be fighting their own, Muslim against Muslim. Analysts have warned us not to be fooled by this perception.

AP706057977666.jpg Police officers storm a kosher grocery to end a hostage situation in this image made from TV in Paris, Friday, Jan. 9, 2015. Three terrorists who seized hostages at separate locations and ignited fear across Paris were killed Friday along with three of their hostages as the gunmen clashed with thousands of French security forces. Copyright 2015 AP Images

This week’s third terrorist event in Paris involved the storming of a Jewish market -- clearly identified with large lettering as kosher – in which several hostages have been reported killed. The ISIS rampage through the Middle East is gathering supporters all over the world, including the West.

With a hatred for Jews within the very ideology of Islam, we can be certain that ISIS is determined to wage its war against Israel and Jewish People the world over. A few weeks ago an ISIS image was posted on Twitter showing a masked man holding a commando style knife pointed directly at the camera, and the message, “We are coming for you, O Jews.”

Over the summer, ISIS activities in the Middle East ignited rallies in the Netherlands in which groups waving black and white ISIS flags chanted death to “dirty Jews from the sewers.” Other ISIS supporters tweeted promises of another holocaust of Jews.

One thing is certain: without voices speaking out against such anti-Semitic hatred, it will continue to grow. Each terrorist act, each act of anti-Jewish vandalism, and each subtle expression of prejudice spoken against the Jewish People will add fuel to the fires of a growing anti-Semitic virus spreading across the globe.

We at Jewish Voice are committed to speaking the truth about Israel and raising informed support for the Jewish People. Please continue to pray against the growing anti-Jewish attitude, and please keep your connection to Jewish Voice strong to join us in countering lies with the truth.

Your support today also helps bring medical, humanitarian, and spiritual aid to “Lost Tribes” communities around the world as well as to fragile Holocaust survivors in Israel.

As a token of our appreciation for your donation, we would like to send you the Pray for the Peace of Israel Package, which includes the book, Is Peace Possible? by Jonathan Bernis and the Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem plaque. Your contribution today will be used prudently and prayerfully to bless the Jewish People, broadcast the truth to the ends of the earth, and declare the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus).

To the Jew first and also to the Nations,


Jonathan Bernis Jewish Voice Ministries International

II Product for 01-09-15

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