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Israel Arrests Teacher of Anti-Semitic Messages

August 12, 2015

Screen capture from video of one of Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi's public teachings against Jewish People. Screen capture from video of one of Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi's public teachings against Jewish People.

Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi, a Jerusalem-based Muslim cleric, was arrested by Israeli police last week for his public teachings of anti-Semitic messages.  Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli research institute studying and monitoring Palestinian society through the messages its leadership communicates to their population, conducted an extended investigation of Mughrabi’s teachings. They gave Israel’s security forces several recordings of the sheikh teaching messages containing volatile accusations against Jewish People.

Sheikh Mughrabi teaches at the Al-Aqsa Mosque located at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and published his messages on YouTube where Palestinian Media Watch discovered them. According to PMW’s findings, Mughrabi “has taught that:


  • Jews use the blood of non-Jewish children to make Passover matzah bread, and this caused Europeans to expel the Jews and led to the Holocaust
  • Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks
  • Jews slaughter their own relatives as sacrifices to Satan, as part of their activities in the Freemasons
  • Jews “symbolize the Devil,” hate the nations of the world, and cause them “great damage”
  • The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an authentic Jewish book outlining the Jews’ plan to conquer and rule the entire world
  • Jews in Israel will be annihilated by Muslims, according to Allah's decree
  • Jews own half the world’s wealth and control the World Bank
  • Jews pay doctors to create diseases in order to increase profits for the pharmaceutical industry, which is 95% Jewish-owned” (Palestinian Media Watch)


Israel law states that it is a crime punishable by imprisonment to publish anything “to incite racism” or “to offend the religious faith or sentiment of others” (PMW).

The Sheik was also filmed explaining the “benefits” of martyrdom to a group of children from an Al-Aqsa Mosque summer camp held in Jerusalem. In the two-minute video, the cleric is seen explaining Muhammad’s teaching regarding the reward of a martyr and that of a martyr who dies in Ribat, or conflict over land that is claimed by Islam. Both types of martyrs supposedly receive instant forgiveness and absolution for sin with the first drop of their blood. However, instead of the two virgins an ordinary martyr receives in paradise, a Ribat fighter receives 70.  A regular martyr, Muhammad's teachings say, will be allowed to advocate on behalf of 70 family members. However, “the Ribat martyr who dies in Ribat can advocate on Judgement Day on behalf of anyone he wants for 50,000 years” (PMW video embed).

During the video, a man is seen approaching Mughrabi asking if the children even understand such teachings. Immediately the children start chanting, “Allu Akhbar” and “leave us alone.”  The bystander continues, saying to Mughrabi, “You should be ashamed, sir, a man with a white beard like you. Give these lessons to us not to children” (PMW video embed).  He walks away to a chorus of children shouting, “With our lives and blood, we will redeem Al-Aqsa!” (PMW video embed).

Regarding the investigation and five videos they turned over to the police, PMW founder Itamar Marcus said, “When their leadership presents the killing of Jews as a religious obligation, this is the worst kind of incitement to murder that can be. It must be prosecuted, and it must be stopped” (Jerusalem Post).

Pray for Israel

Psalm 122:6 instructs us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. With such violence against the Jewish People of Jerusalem and all Israel being openly taught, and to children, our prayers are needed even more.

Please: continue to pray that both earthly peace and God’s peace will spread throughout all Jerusalem and Israel.  We know that the peace of Yeshua – eternal and beyond what man can produce – is the only true and lasting answer for the Middle East conflict. We know that when the Prince of Peace reigns in the hearts of all Israel and “Palestine” there will be lasting peace in the Land. Please pray for this peace in the Middle East.



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