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ISRAEL: He is Fulfilling His Promise Right Before Our Eyes

December 23, 2015

Emergent anti-Semitism is Driving Jews Back to Israel  

Before 2015 comes to a close a few days from now, immigration records in Israel will indicate that in the past 12 months, more than 7,300 French Jews will have made “Aliyah,” or the immigration of genetically Jewish individuals and families to Israel from around the world.  In ancient Hebrew, “Aliyah” means, “going up” to Jerusalem.

This means that for the second year in a row, France will be Israel’s largest source of new citizens. However, Russian Jews are rapidly catching up.

In both nations, emergent anti-Semitism and an increasingly hostile environment for Jewish People is driving these trends. Indeed, Jews from across Europe—especially Ukraine—are now considering a move to Israel.

This ongoing re-gathering to Israel is very much a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. God’s Word says He will gather His People from the four corners of the Earth and bring them back to Israel (see Isaiah 11:12). He is fulfilling His promise right before our eyes.

Keeping you and others informed about these prophetic developments and equipped to live prudently and victoriously in these volatile Last Days is at the heart of our mission here at Jewish Voice. Your gifts of support help make that possible, but they do so much more.

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To thank you for your tax-deductible gift of $20 or more today, we want to say “thank you” by sending you the enlightening DVD called “Unlocking the Prophetic Mysteries of Israel.” This powerful feature includes more than four hours of fascinating presentations by a host of experts to reveal crucial keys to God’s End Times plan. Please get your copy today.

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Unlocking the Prophetic Mysteries of Israel, 2 DVD Set

Explore these mysteries and many more in this exciting DVD! Unlock a greater knowledge about the Last Days with crucial keys provided in more than four hours of fascinating presentations from Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, world renowned archaeologist and Biblical prophecy expert Dr. Randall Price, and White House Correspondent and author, Bill Koenig.


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