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ISRAEL: Is Israel's Army Too Strong For ISIS?

January 08, 2016

Jurgen Todenhofer is a Western journalist who a few months ago spent 10 days embedded with the armies of the Islamic State (ISIS). He is the first journalist to get this close to ISIS and was allowed extensive access to the group.

Jouranlist_ISISIn an interview with a London-based Jewish newspaper this week, Todenhofer, a former member of Germany’s parliament, revealed remarkable insight about the brutal terrorist group.

“The only country ISIS fears is Israel,” he told a reporter. “They told me they know the Israeli army is too strong for them.”

The investigative reporter also said that the terror group was confident it could beat American and British ground troops, but feared the Israeli forces:

“They think they can defeat U.S. and U.K. ground troops, who they say they have no experience in city guerrilla or terrorist strategies. But they know the Israelis are very tough as far as fighting against guerrillas and terrorists. told me the Israeli army is the real danger.”

Even so, the leadership of ISIS has become increasingly belligerent and threatening toward Israel in recent weeks, even as it has found itself under renewed attack from both U.S. and Russian air power.

We know that Israel is standing on the front lines of the spiritually-rooted fight against Islamic extremism. That’s why, here at Jewish Voice Ministries, we’ve been encouraging all of our partners and friends to join us in praying for the people of Israel as the situation in the Middle East becomes increasingly volatile and dangerous.

We believe those prayers have, and will continue to, bear fruit. So, please continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and please keep your connection to Jewish Voice strong.

What we’re doing together is more important and more urgently needed than ever before. If you can share a gift of support for our diverse outreaches, please do so now using the “Donate” button below. Your partnership is making an impact around the world as we continue to battle anti-Semitic and anti-Israel attitudes as well as reach out with humanitarian aid to hurting Jewish People in impoverished communities.

As a token of our appreciation for your contribution of $45 or more today, we’d like to send you two helpful resources for the New Year. The first is an insightful DVD by Joel Richardson titled End Times Eyewitness that reveals which End Times prophecies are being fulfilled today and what is coming next. Our second gift to you is our specially designed 2016 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar that includes beautiful photos of our outreaches along with US, Israeli, and Jewish holidays.

We want you to know how grateful we are for your support. You are making a difference, and we thank you for standing with us.



1783_End-Times-Eyewitness-_-CalendarEnd Times Eyewitness, DVD & 2016 Jewish Voice Wall Calendar

Filmed in several nations and featuring the testimonies of global Christian leaders, pastors, theologians, and missionaries, End Times Eyewitness reveals which biblical prophecies of the Last Days are being fulfilled in the earth today and what is coming next.

The specially designed “Be His Voice” 16-month Jewish Voice wall calendar is filled with beautiful photographs of JVMI outreaches and combines both the Gregorian and Jewish calendars from September 2015 through December 2016.


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