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Israel Takes Decisive Action

September 15, 2017

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that Hezbollah was likely planning to take over the Syrian chemical weapons plant that was bombed by Israeli warplanes last Thursday.

A former Israeli national security adviser told the Post that the chemical weapons plant was likely targeted because of fears that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had asked the Syrians to hand over the facility to his Lebanese terrorist group.

Nasrallah had visited the Syrian capital Damascus just before the Israeli air strike, according to Israel’s Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror. The Hezbollah leader also had boasted of his visit to the Syrian capital in a live speech.

Syria’s Al-Tala’I Scientific Studies and Research Center has been known for many years as a facility of research and development for weapons systems, including chemical weapons, according to the Post.

The Israeli Defense Forces did not comment on the strike, as is its custom. But it would not be the first time Israeli jets have hit the Assad regime and Hezbollah targets in Syria.

Amidror pointed out that last week’s strike came nearly 10 years to the day after the Israeli strike on the Syrian nuclear reactor in Deir Ezzor.

According to Amidror, Israel has made it very clear to Damascus that it will not allow Iran or Hezbollah to build up their capabilities because of what he called the “chaotic mess in Syria.”

Israel draws red lines and enforces them

The Israeli government has also made it clear it has no interest in getting involved in Syria’s 7-year-long civil war. But when it comes to preventing Syria from transferring sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah, Israel has drawn a red line.

Amir Eshel, former head of the Israeli Air Force, told the Post that over the past 5 years, Israel has carried out at least 100 strikes to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons from Syria to Hezbollah.

The Times of Israel reported that Syrian deputy foreign minister Faisal Mekdad responded to the Israel strikes by saying that Israel would “pay a heavy price” for the action.

But Israel Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman countered with a warning of his own.

“I strongly suggest to our neighbors from the north not to try and provoke or threaten us, because we take these threats seriously,” said Liberman. “I advise against entering into a confrontation with Israel. It will end badly for them, very badly.”

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As I write this, Israel is surrounded on all sides by enemies. Jewish people around the world are facing prejudice and tremendous pressure as well.

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