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[Israel] Two Israeli brothers killed in West Bank

March 10, 2023


A Note from Jonathan Bernis

Shalom, my friend. 

I’m holding on to this truth from the Scriptures as we continue to pray for the unrest in Israel, the Middle East and the ongoing war in Ukraine –

“From the LORD comes deliverance. May Your blessing be on Your people.” — Psalm 3:8 NIV

God is the Deliverer – the only One Who can bring peace, rest and blessing to His Chosen People. And to the world.

And I pray it over you as well, in whatever you’re facing today. There’s no greater promise we have from God – which was ultimately realized in the coming of His Son, Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah.

God is close at hand to bring deliverance and blessing.

As you receive this important truth and promise from the Scriptures, I hope you’ll also join me and all of us here at Jewish Voice Ministries International in praying for God’s will to be done in Israel – and around the world. And for His grace, protection and blessing to be upon His people . . . and those who support them.

Please continue to pray for the work and ministry we share at Jewish Voice. And pray for God to open more doors to share the Good News of Jesus with the Jewish people.

Thank you for your partnership in this work of ministry.

To the Jew first and also to the Nations,

Jonathan Bernis

President & CEO

Jewish Voice Ministries International

Headline News

Palestinian Gunman Shoots and Kills Two Israeli Brothers in West Bank Amid Peace Talks in Jordan

According to reports from Fox News, two Israeli brothers were recently shot and killed by a Palestinian gunman near a West Bank settlement where nearly a dozen Palestinians had been killed in an Israeli military raid.

Israeli settlers rioted in response to the shooting, setting dozens of cars and homes on fire in the northern West Bank.

The violence cast a shadow over peace talks that had been taking place in Aqaba, Jordan.

Jordanian, Egyptian and U.S. officials joined Israeli and Palestinian representatives for “comprehensive and frank discussions,” which were described as the first of their kind in years.

“The two sides (Palestinian and Israeli) affirmed their commitment to all previous agreements between them and to work towards a just and lasting peace,” officials said in a joint statement. “They reaffirmed the necessity of committing to de-escalation on the ground and to prevent further violence.”

And while the joint statement added that Israel committed to “stop discussion of any new settlement units for 4 months and to stop authorization of any outposts for 6 months,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doesn’t appear to be likely to agree as he tweeted, “Construction and regulation in Judea and Samaria will continue according to the original planning and construction schedule, without any changes. There is and will not be any freeze.”

Update from the Middle East

Israel Fears Russia to Supply S-400s to Iran

Iran is seeking sophisticated new air defense systems from Russia that Israeli officials say would reduce the window of a potential attack on Tehran's nuclear program, according to a recent media report. Russia has not said publicly whether it will supply the weapons, but Moscow and Tehran have grown closer since Moscow invaded Ukraine. It would then take less than two years for the S-400s delivered to Iran to be operational.

Pray with Us This Week

Please pray with me for:

  • God to continue to protect innocent lives from the fighting in Ukraine and to bring a peaceful end to the invasion by Russia
  • God to surround His people in Israel, who are constantly facing threats and violence from surrounding enemies
  • God to bring His comfort to those who have been devastated by the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
  • Peace in the hearts and minds of the people of Israel and their enemies
  • The Jewish people to recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah

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