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Israel Update: The Netanyahu Cliffhanger

March 12, 2015

Israeli voters are only a few days away from going to the polls and choosing the next government of Israel. It is a decision with enormous implications for the safety and security of Israel, and for the stability of the Middle East in general.

The elections, which will decide the number of seats each of Israel’s many political parties hold in the Knesset assembly, will in turn determine whether or not Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud party continues to be Israel’s Prime Minister.

Will Netanyahu continue to lead Israel? 

As of this writing, the results are too close to predict.

In fact, an independent poll this week revealed that if elections were held now, the Zionist Union party would win 24 seats, Netanyahu’s Likud party 21, and the next closest party, 14. When all the minor parties are thrown into the mix, the current polling reveals that the left-of-center parties would win 56 seats, and the right-of-center parties (including Likud) would win 56 as well.

In an address to Likud leadership earlier this week, Prime Minister Netanyahu described what he called “a worldwide effort to topple Likud” as the leading party in governing Israel.

Netanyahu has suggested throughout the run-up to the March 17th election that groups such as V15, an organization advertising to remove Netanyahu from power, are being funded by millions of dollars pouring in from abroad.

As we pointed out in this report several weeks ago, an entire election strategy team formerly affiliated with the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama has been dispatched to Israel to help V15 unseat Netanyahu. This effort has tapped heavily into the fundraising network that helped Mr. Obama get elected two times.

Please continue to join us in covering these elections in prayer — specifically that God would continue to bless Israel with strong, wise leadership that is dedicated to putting Israel’s security first.

Continuing to stand with Israel and the Jewish People

Also know that here at Jewish Voice Ministries, we’re working tirelessly to proclaim the truth about Israel in the media and to combat the rising tide of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that is sweeping the globe.

We’re also rolling out plans to expand our presence within Israel even as we continue to encourage, bless, and minister to oppressed groups of Jewish People in far corners of the earth.

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