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Israeli forces strike against Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq

August 01, 2019

Israel defends herself in targeted, strategic strikes against Iran and Hezbollah

Since the eruption of conflict began in 2011, Israel has defended itself by carrying out hundreds of airstrikes targeting Iranian and Hezbollah forces entrenched in Syria.

Many of Israel’s strikes are in an effort to prevent weapons from being transferred and distributed among Iranian-backed terror organizations that seek to utterly destroy Israel.

Over 300 tons of weapons from Iran bound for Hezbollah militants in Lebanon | Souce: IDF WikiMedia Commons - Matanya


In mid-July, it was reported that the Israeli Air Force was responsible for an airstrike against a rocket depot in a Shiite militia base north of Baghdad, Iraq. According to reports, the rocket depot received Iranian-made ballistic missiles shortly before the attack via trucks used to transport refrigerated food. 

These missiles, I’m sure you’d agree, had the sole purpose of launching an assault on Israel and her people.

Earlier last week, Israeli forces launched another defensive airstrike.

The area targeted was a key military base with intelligence facilities near the Israeli-annexed part of the Golan Heights. While the base was supposed to be manned by Syrian regime troops, pro-Iranian militias – including Hezbollah – were stationed there.

The airstrike killed six Iranian soldiers and three pro-regime Syrian fighters.

While we mourn for the dead, and the tragic loss of precious life, we stand firm in our resolve that Israel must be allowed to defend herself from enemies who seek her destruction and ruin.

But we don’t know what will happen next . . .

Cartoon of Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, with Iran as puppetmaste | Source: WikiMedia Commons, Barry Hunau


Surrounded by enemies on all sides

The truth is, Israel and her people are surrounded by her enemies on all sides.

And these enemies – whether it’s Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Houthis Rebels or any other terror group or militia – will stop at nothing until Israel no longer exists.

How is such hatred overcome? Is there any chance for peace?

While this is a developing story, with the potential for retaliation and more tragic bloodshed, we cast our hope on the only certainty we know: the power and presence of God.

We know, and can find great comfort, in the truth that God is in control of all outcomes. That He isn’t surprised by the ongoing threat against His people.

Will you join us in prayer?

While I stand with Israel, and support the Jewish people, I pray fervently for peace. For opportunities to stop the violence and curb the threat of war. 

And I hope you’ll join with me, and Jewish Voice, in praying for peace during this time of tension and uncertainty. 

Please join us in praying for God to:

  1. Move supernaturally in the hearts of the leaders of Iran – and those who align themselves with organizations bent on terror – to soften their hatred and anger towards Israel
  2. Give wisdom, courage and insight to leaders in Israel as they defend their people from those who would seek to destroy them 
  3. Protect His people and replace threats and violence with peace

Demonstrate your support of God’s people

You can also stand with Israel and her people with your gift of support today!

Every dollar you give to Jewish Voice will be a critical part of supporting the Jewish people by providing:

  • Critical humanitarian relief and resources to Jewish people throughout Africa
  • Lifesaving dental and eye care to Holocaust survivors in Israel
  • Peace and eternal hope through sharing the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jewish people

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