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Israeli Prime Minister sends strong message to Iran

February 04, 2022

Comfort, comfort My people, says your God.”

Isaiah 40:1 (NIV)

Shalom, my friend. 

Thank you for standing with God’s Chosen People through your prayers and generosity. I find tremendous hope in knowing that you love and support Israel and the Jewish people around the world.

When I think of the ministry your support makes possible, I can’t help but remember the words above from the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 40:1) issued thousands of years ago. Your faithfulness is helping to provide “comfort” to the Jewish people (and their neighbors) during a season of so much uncertainty.

Only God knows how the future will unfold as the enemies of God’s people surround them. But we continue to serve – and you’re with us every step of the way. Only God knows how the nuclear standoff with Iran will conclude.

And I can’t thank you enough. 

Please continue to pray for the work and ministry we share at Jewish Voice. And pray for God to open more doors to share the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) with the Jewish people. He’s the only One able to bring the eternal “comfort” that so many long for. 


Late last week, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett didn’t mince words addressing Iran when he told The Jerusalem Post that “the Israeli strategy doesn’t depend on whether there’s an agreement or not. We will protect ourselves by ourselves. Even if there is an agreement, we’re not committed to it. We will preserve our freedom to act.”

The Prime Minister’s interview with The Jerusalem Post comes as talks continue with Iran in Vienna, along with negotiations for their return to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). A deal that Prime Minister Bennet tells The Jerusalem Post is a mistake . . . 

“We and the Americans don’t see everything eye to eye. A deal that will send tens of billions of dollars to this rotten and weak regime will be a mistake because this money will go to terror against IDF soldiers and Americans in the region. When the money enters Iranian coffers, they attack American soldiers . . . through their proxies.”

The Jerusalem Post reports that Iran is very weak. Its currency is currently depleted, and regions of the country lack water. Further, there are large demonstrations taking place against the government. According to the Prime Minister, Tehran “is playing poker with a very weak hand, but they’re bluffing.”

Israel has relayed the message to its friends in the U.S. and Europe who are negotiating with Iran – but any deal remains far off in the current discussions to resolve the nuclear standoff. 


According to Breaking Defense, sources in the Israeli defense establishment say that enforcement has ramped up because of increased Chinese efforts to obtain Israeli technology, including Chinese firms making direct contact with Israeli industrial experts.

Breaking Defense also reports that China is operating a web of companies inside Israel as part of a dedicated effort to acquire advanced defense technologies. 

Chinese attempts to infiltrate Israeli defense firms are not new. But, according to Breaking Defense, the Chinese are now operating straw companies to partner with Israeli companies. They create corporations that can look very legitimate but, in fact, are aimed at moving Israel defense technologies to China. 

“These straw companies are well disguised, and it is very hard to identify who is the real client,” an Israeli defense industry said. 

This China situation has been thrown into the public eye due to a high-profile legal case against a drone company the Israeli government alleges was part of a multi-million-dollar effort from a Chinese firm. 

This case is viewed as more serious than others because it involved Israeli citizens and the test of the systems within Israel.

Breaking Defense reports that in December, Israel’s Financial Department of the State Prosecutor’s Office accused 10 individuals and three companies of helping sell loitering weapon systems to China without having received official approval.

According to an official statement, as reported by Breaking Defense, the suspects “manufactured dozens of cruise missiles and carried out different tests in Israeli territory, endangering people’s lives.” Per the statement, Ephraim Menashe, the head of drone manufacturer Solar Sky, allegedly worked with a Chinese firm to help supply loitering weapon systems to the Chinese army. 

Allegedly the scheme led to the production of dozens of systems, which were then transferred to China. It does not appear any of the systems have been actively used by the Chinese military.


The Jerusalem Post reported last week that Coalition MK, Zvi Hauser, has issued a letter calling on the Israeli government to declare the Houthis (a Yemeni Iran-sponsored militia), a terror organization.

The letter came after the Houthis launched missile and drone attacks on Abu Dhabi and Dubai in January, killing three people.

According to The Jerusalem Post, the Houthis has been steadily growing in its military capabilities over the past decade and has begun to take an interest in regional affairs.

“The Houthis have an ideology that is hostile to Israel and the West, and tout the slogan ‘Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory for Islam,’” MK Hauser said, pointing out that this was originally an Iranian motto.

“Their desire to strike Israel, as the long arm of Tehran is proven,” Hauser stated. “Iran stands behind the organization and helps it economically and militarily, providing it with weaponry and training its people.”

Israeli officials have shown solidarity with the UAE in the days since the Houthis began the latest round of attacks.

Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, plans to travel to the UAE to meet with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) this week. Herzog condemned the Houthis in a call with MBZ soon after the attack took place.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, also spoke with MBZ recently, offering his condolences following the terrorist attacks.

Let Us Pray Together

Please pray with me for:

  • God to move in the hearts of world leaders and give wisdom to address the global threat of a nuclear Iran 
  • God’s protection to be upon His people in Israel who are constantly facing threats and violence from surrounding enemies
  • God to give insight in how to address, protect and move ahead as the Jewish people, Israel and the world continue to feel the impact of COVID-19 
  • Peace in the hearts and minds of the people of Israel and their enemies
  • Jewish people to recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah

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