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Israel's Dangerous New Security Challenges

April 16, 2015

New_Banner_EmailThe Obama Administration’s dogged determination to normalize U.S. relations with Iran and to have international sanctions against that country dropped is already creating a host of dangerous new security challenges for Israel.

Two news stories this week vividly illustrated this truth.

The first of these was the troubling news of Russia’s decision to move ahead with the sale of advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran. Russia cited the impending nuclear “deal” the United States claims to have brokered with Iran in its decision to release the missile system to Iran. The missile sale had been on hold since 2010 because of the international sanctions.

BarackObamaSigningLegislation, Israel

Of course, as some have pointed out, the Obama Administration’s deal with Iran is not yet official or signed. In reality, the two sides have only agreed to a general framework for an agreement.

Nevertheless, Iran is about to get a missile system that will greatly enhance its ability to protect its nuclear weapons program against a preemptive Israeli attack.

Secondly, we learned this week that Iran—emboldened and strengthened by the prospect of sanctions being lifted—has stepped up arms shipments to terrorist militias like Hezbollah and Hamas.

Both of these entities are direct and nearby threats to Israel.

As a report on Israel’s Channel 2 revealed this week, Israel is deeply concerned that the sanctions relief Iran is about to enjoy under this new deal will free up “billions of dollars” for such weapons shipments in the months and years to come.

The Russian missile decision demonstrates that Iran doesn’t even need to sign a deal to begin reaping benefits. Without signing a thing, Iran is finding itself with more money to spend on terrorist causes and more freedom of operation in the Middle East. The benefits have already begun to flow.

Clearly, these are volatile, dangerous times for Israel and for the world.

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