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Jewish Voice Prayer Guide for the World

July 27, 2016

Nov_1-Prayer-Points-Banner4 Prayer Guide for the Countries of the World When we pray for the Nations to come to know Yeshua, we know that we are praying in agreement with this Scripture and that our asking is in alignment with the Father’s giving! Let’s ask the Lord to work in these nations and throughout the world:

Let’s ask the Lord to work in these nations and throughout the world:


* MASVINGO medical outreach, August 18-29: Pray for this fast-approaching outreach, and watch for daily Prayer Points in an upcoming email. Pray for all the last minute preparations, including the preparation of hearts to receive Yeshua! Pray for our Zimbabwe team as they quickly transition from the Gutu outreach into this one. May the Lord’s momentum carry through with more salvations, healings, and deliverances.


* HOSANNA medical outreach, September 2-11: The Hebrew meaning of “hosanna,” or hoshiana, is a cry to “please save now!” How appropriate! May the name of this location be our cry and prayer as we seek the Lord for salvations here in September.

church members praying while standing


* Amidst all the turmoil, pray for the Lord to reveal Himself in shalom, healing, order, and reconciliation.

* Ask the Lord to put into place national and local authorities who love Him, seek His wisdom, and stand alongside Israel.


* Pray for healing in France and protection for the Jewish people from anti-Semitism there and all around the world.

TURKEY and other Middle East Nations

* Pray regarding the recent coup attempt. It underscores the unrest, turmoil, and unsettled state of this region

* Pray for stability that will be a protection for Israel and facilitate the spread of the Good News of Yeshua.


* Pray for favor on the new Prime Minister, Theresa May, who is said to be a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people. May her influence in this regard spread in her nation and to other world leaders.

Prime Minister Theresa May of Great Britain


* Last but not least, we ask the Lord, as always, for the protection and salvation of the nation of Israel and the Jewish People around the world.

* We inquire after their welfare according to Psalm 122:6, and we stand in watchful prayer on her behalf until Jerusalem is a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62)!

LORD, the nations are Yours, and as such, we seek You for Your godly order to prevail; for human life to be valued; and for the Good News of Yeshua to spread and bear much fruit. We pray for workers to go out into Your fields that are ripe for the harvest. We intercede for those who are already going on these medical outreaches mentioned above, for their safety, boldness and effectiveness in being used by You to reach and bless many! All glory to You! In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.

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