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Join Rabbi Jonathan Bernis LIVE on Facebook

January 11, 2019
Facebook live

Rabbi Jonathan Bernis will be on Facebook LIVE answering your questions about Israel and the Middle East on January 17 at 10 a.m. MST.

The Middle East conflict is complex with a long history. Who’s fighting whom? What are the principal points of contention? Why does everybody seem to hate Israel?

Ask your questions live and receive answers from Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, author of the new book, A Lasting Peace: A Historical, Biblical and Prophetic Lens on the Crisis in the Middle East.

  • Is Israel really an “occupier”?
  • What terrorist groups are targeting Israel?
  • How did the Palestinian refugee crisis come to be?
  • Is the United Nations really biased against Israel, and if so, why?

Find out the answers to questions like these, and ask your own questions LIVE!

Like the Jewish Voice Facebook page to access this event,

and join us there on: Thursday, January 17 10 a.m. MST

Pacific: 9 a.m. • Mountain: 10 a.m. • Central: 11 a.m. • Eastern: Noon

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